停止 AIX 系统上的所有 Clearcase 服务 - 完全停止 Clearcase

Stop all Clearcase services on AIX system - Stop completly Clearcase

如何完全停止Clearcase: - ALBD(Atria Location Broker),albd_server。 - IBM Rational 锁管理器,lockmgr。 - 理性凭证管理器。 - MVFS 服务,我认为这是不可能的,因为它是一个内核模块。


/etc/rc.atria { start | stop }

相关信息: - AIX d1dw753 1 7 00F60BAD4C00 (uname -a) - ClearCase 版本 (cleartool –VerAll)

首先,您需要成为 root。

其次,official documentation init_ccase确实提到了,此外还有/etc/rc.atria { start | stop }

  • Unexports any view/VOB combinations that were exported through /etc/exports.mvfs to enable non-ClearCase access
  • Unmounts all VOBs
  • Kills the vob_server processes for VOBs whose storage directories are on the local host
  • Kills the albd_server process, which also causes view_server, db_server, and vobrpc_server processes to exit
  • Kills the lockmgr process
  • (On AIX 4) Unloads the MVFS from the operating system kernel
  • Unmounts the viewroot directory

所以关于 MVFS 和 AIX 4,“Loading and Unloading Kernel Extensions" page suggests kmod_unload command.

那会完全 ClearCase 停止。

Uninstall ClearCase 7.1 on Linux or Unix”(AIX 部分)中列出的命令,如 rmvfs mvfs,将在此处 "too much"。