VBA error: Why does my code keep jumping back lines?
VBA error: Why does my code keep jumping back lines?
intColumnCount = wsStaff.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
intColumnLoop = 2
intStaffCount = 0
wsDisplay.Range("A2").EntireRow.Value = ""
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intRowLoop = 2
If IsEmpty(wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop)) And intRowLoop <> 2 Then
wsStaff.Range(wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop).Address).Delete Shift:=xlUp
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intStaffCount = intStaffCount + 1
If wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop).Value And wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop + 1, intColumnLoop).Value And wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> wsStaff.Cells(2, intColumnLoop + 1).Value And wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> "" Then
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Address).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intStaffCount = intStaffCount - 1
ElseIf wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop + 1, intColumnLoop).Value Or wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsStaff.Cells(2, intColumnLoop + 1).Value Or wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = "" Then
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Address).EntireColumn.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop).Value
intRowLoop = intRowLoop + 1
intRowLoop = intRowLoop + 1
End If
If wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 1).Value Then
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Address).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intStaffCount = intStaffCount - 1
End If
wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Interior.Color = RGB(255 - (0.1 * (255 - intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 1))), 255 - (0.1 * (255 - intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 2))), 255 - (0.1 * (255 - intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 3))))
End If
Loop While Not intRowLoop > intRowCount
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Address, wsDisplay.Cells(2, 2 + intStaffCount).Address).Merge
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Address).Interior.Color = RGB(intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 1), intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 2), intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 3))
wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Value = wsStaff.Cells(1, intColumnLoop).Value
wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Font.Bold = True
wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
intColumnLoop = intColumnLoop + 1
Loop While Not intColumnLoop > intColumnCount
wsDisplay.Cells(1, 1).EntireRow.Orientation = -45
wsDisplay.Cells(1, 1).EntireRow.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, 3), wsDisplay.Cells(2, intStaffCount + 2)).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
intDisplayRowLength = wsDisplay.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
intEraser = intStaffCount + 3
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intEraser), wsDisplay.Cells(1, intDisplayRowLength)).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub
每当重新定义 intRowCount 时,代码经常会跳回开头,此错误对输出无害,但会显着增加计算时间。我知道这可能内置于 Do 循环中,因此很不方便,但不是最大的问题。
最大的问题是倒数第二行,在删除所有不需要的列后,代码会跳回到最后一个end if语句,它在嵌套的do循环中。我不知道它为什么跳回,最重要的是,intRowCount、intRowLoop、intColumnCount 和 intColumnLoop 变量似乎发生了变化以允许重复代码循环。
这是灾难性的原因是因为 intStaffCount 没有改变,这意味着数据被添加了两次。
编辑 2:实际上是到达 End Sub 行,只是没有结束
编辑 3:在显示的代码外部找到解决方案,必须在调用 sub 之前禁用事件并在
问题不存在于我的模块代码中,而是存在于事件代码中,通过在调用程序时禁用事件,问题得以解决。感谢 barrowc 的解决方案。
intColumnCount = wsStaff.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
intColumnLoop = 2
intStaffCount = 0
wsDisplay.Range("A2").EntireRow.Value = ""
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intRowLoop = 2
If IsEmpty(wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop)) And intRowLoop <> 2 Then
wsStaff.Range(wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop).Address).Delete Shift:=xlUp
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intStaffCount = intStaffCount + 1
If wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop).Value And wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop + 1, intColumnLoop).Value And wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> wsStaff.Cells(2, intColumnLoop + 1).Value And wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value <> "" Then
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Address).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intStaffCount = intStaffCount - 1
ElseIf wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop + 1, intColumnLoop).Value Or wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsStaff.Cells(2, intColumnLoop + 1).Value Or wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = "" Then
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Address).EntireColumn.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsStaff.Cells(intRowLoop, intColumnLoop).Value
intRowLoop = intRowLoop + 1
intRowLoop = intRowLoop + 1
End If
If wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Value = wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 1).Value Then
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Address).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
intRowCount = wsStaff.Cells(Rows.Count, intColumnLoop).End(xlUp).Row
intStaffCount = intStaffCount - 1
End If
wsDisplay.Cells(1, intStaffCount + 2).Interior.Color = RGB(255 - (0.1 * (255 - intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 1))), 255 - (0.1 * (255 - intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 2))), 255 - (0.1 * (255 - intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 3))))
End If
Loop While Not intRowLoop > intRowCount
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Address, wsDisplay.Cells(2, 2 + intStaffCount).Address).Merge
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Address).Interior.Color = RGB(intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 1), intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 2), intColourPalette(intColumnLoop Mod 6 + 1, 3))
wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Value = wsStaff.Cells(1, intColumnLoop).Value
wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Font.Bold = True
wsDisplay.Cells(2, 4 + intStaffCount - intRowCount).Font.Color = RGB(255, 255, 255)
intColumnLoop = intColumnLoop + 1
Loop While Not intColumnLoop > intColumnCount
wsDisplay.Cells(1, 1).EntireRow.Orientation = -45
wsDisplay.Cells(1, 1).EntireRow.HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, 3), wsDisplay.Cells(2, intStaffCount + 2)).Borders.LineStyle = xlContinuous
intDisplayRowLength = wsDisplay.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
intEraser = intStaffCount + 3
wsDisplay.Range(wsDisplay.Cells(1, intEraser), wsDisplay.Cells(1, intDisplayRowLength)).EntireColumn.Delete Shift:=xlToLeft
End Sub
每当重新定义 intRowCount 时,代码经常会跳回开头,此错误对输出无害,但会显着增加计算时间。我知道这可能内置于 Do 循环中,因此很不方便,但不是最大的问题。
最大的问题是倒数第二行,在删除所有不需要的列后,代码会跳回到最后一个end if语句,它在嵌套的do循环中。我不知道它为什么跳回,最重要的是,intRowCount、intRowLoop、intColumnCount 和 intColumnLoop 变量似乎发生了变化以允许重复代码循环。
这是灾难性的原因是因为 intStaffCount 没有改变,这意味着数据被添加了两次。
编辑 2:实际上是到达 End Sub 行,只是没有结束
编辑 3:在显示的代码外部找到解决方案,必须在调用 sub 之前禁用事件并在
之后重新启用问题不存在于我的模块代码中,而是存在于事件代码中,通过在调用程序时禁用事件,问题得以解决。感谢 barrowc 的解决方案。