DAC 卡住等待安装程序处理

DAC stuck waiting for installer to process


基本上,我正在尝试通过 DAC 将我的游戏转换为 APPX。它是一个(带有应用程序资产文件夹等)非安装程序 .exe 文件。


然后,卡在"Waiting for installer process to complete inside Isolated Environment"

我已经阅读了很多关于此的话题,每个人都说要添加 -InstallerArguments "/silent"(或 /s 或 /quiet 或 /verysilent)以使其继续,但是 none 其中工作了,但它仍然卡住了。它不会冻结或任何东西,它只是不会继续超过那个点。


DesktopAppConverter.exe-Installer "C:\Users\ygman\Desktop\GameDevelopment\SNaLBUILD\FULLBuild\WinSNaL\Seek Not a Lighthouse.exe"-InstallerArguments "/silent"-AppExecutable"Seek Not a Lighthouse.exe"-Destination C:\Users\ygman\Desktop\GameDevelopment\SNaLBUILD\FULLBuild\UWP-PackageName"SeekNotALighthouse"-Publisher"CN=MidnightCoffee" -版本 -MakeAppx -Sign -Verbose -Verify

非常感谢您的帮助! :)

您的安装程序应在非交互模式下支持 运行,以便与 Microsoft 的 Desktop App Converter 工具一起使用。这就是为什么他们建议向它传递一个参数。但是,并非所有安装程序都支持非交互执行模式。

有一个 Advanced Installer 团队 (https://www.advancedinstaller.com/desktop-bridge-setup-converter.html) 的免费工具,似乎更容易使用(不需要使用特殊的 OS 图像)并且支持比 Microsoft 的更多的功能解码器工具。在下面引用它们:

With the help of the Desktop Bridge team from Microsoft we built the Desktop Bridge Setup Converter to cover for all the missing features from Microsoft's Desktop App Converter. Here are the most important ones:

  • Convert any installation, no matter if it installs silently or not.
  • You do not need the matching Docker image anymore, you can use any virtual machine. Hyper-V and VMware come with built-in management support.
  • Detection of high level constructs, like file type associations or firewall rules and mapping those entries accordingly in the AppXManifest file.
  • It's all GUI based, so no more problems with discovering command line switches or typos.
  • Your application can be launched with an argument (i.e. shortcut arguments).
  • Your package can contain multiple applications. GUI to customize the resources included in the package, with a simple click.
  • One-click digital signature support.
  • Conversion project: reload, edit and rebuild your AppX package in seconds.
