python - latexmk: error: no such option: -d
python - latexmk: error: no such option: -d
当我想要 运行 一个 python 脚本时出现错误:
import subprocess
code_dir = "code"
title = "Stanford ACM-ICPC Team Notebook"
def get_sections():
sections = []
section_name = None
with open('contents.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if '#' in line: line = line[:line.find('#')]
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0: continue
if line[0] == '[':
section_name = line[1:-1]
subsections = []
if section_name is not None:
sections.append((section_name, subsections))
tmp = line.split('\t', 1)
if len(tmp) == 1:
raise ValueError('Subsection parse error: %s' % line)
filename = tmp[0]
subsection_name = tmp[1]
if subsection_name is None:
raise ValueError('Subsection given without section')
subsections.append((filename, subsection_name))
return sections
def get_style(filename):
ext = filename.lower().split('.')[-1]
if ext in ['c', 'cc', 'cpp']:
return 'cpp'
elif ext in ['java']:
return 'java'
elif ext in ['py']:
return 'py'
return 'txt'
# TODO: check if this is everything we need
def texify(s):
#s = s.replace('\'', '\\'')
#s = s.replace('\"', '\\"')
return s
def get_tex(sections):
tex = ''
for (section_name, subsections) in sections:
tex += '\section{%s}\n' % texify(section_name)
for (filename, subsection_name) in subsections:
tex += '\subsection{%s}\n' % texify(subsection_name)
tex += '\raggedbottom\lstinputlisting[style=%s]{%s/%s}\n' % (get_style(filename), code_dir, filename)
tex += '\hrulefill\n'
tex += '\n'
return tex
if __name__ == "__main__":
sections = get_sections()
tex = get_tex(sections)
with open('contents.tex', 'w') as f:
latexmk_options = ["latexmk", "-pdf", "notebook.tex"]
你能帮我了解安装 latexmk 的详细说明吗?我已经用谷歌搜索了很多。对于版权,那甚至不是我的代码。它是来自 stanford acm 的代码,可以自己制作。现在我想自己做。
确保可以从命令行访问 latexmk
。您可以通过在命令行中键入 latexmk -version
来检查这一点。如果无法从命令行访问它,则需要将 latexmk
如果未安装 latexmk
,请按照此 link 正确安装 latexmk
当我想要 运行 一个 python 脚本时出现错误:
import subprocess
code_dir = "code"
title = "Stanford ACM-ICPC Team Notebook"
def get_sections():
sections = []
section_name = None
with open('contents.txt', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if '#' in line: line = line[:line.find('#')]
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0: continue
if line[0] == '[':
section_name = line[1:-1]
subsections = []
if section_name is not None:
sections.append((section_name, subsections))
tmp = line.split('\t', 1)
if len(tmp) == 1:
raise ValueError('Subsection parse error: %s' % line)
filename = tmp[0]
subsection_name = tmp[1]
if subsection_name is None:
raise ValueError('Subsection given without section')
subsections.append((filename, subsection_name))
return sections
def get_style(filename):
ext = filename.lower().split('.')[-1]
if ext in ['c', 'cc', 'cpp']:
return 'cpp'
elif ext in ['java']:
return 'java'
elif ext in ['py']:
return 'py'
return 'txt'
# TODO: check if this is everything we need
def texify(s):
#s = s.replace('\'', '\\'')
#s = s.replace('\"', '\\"')
return s
def get_tex(sections):
tex = ''
for (section_name, subsections) in sections:
tex += '\section{%s}\n' % texify(section_name)
for (filename, subsection_name) in subsections:
tex += '\subsection{%s}\n' % texify(subsection_name)
tex += '\raggedbottom\lstinputlisting[style=%s]{%s/%s}\n' % (get_style(filename), code_dir, filename)
tex += '\hrulefill\n'
tex += '\n'
return tex
if __name__ == "__main__":
sections = get_sections()
tex = get_tex(sections)
with open('contents.tex', 'w') as f:
latexmk_options = ["latexmk", "-pdf", "notebook.tex"]
我已经尝试安装latexmk,但是没有成功。 你能帮我了解安装 latexmk 的详细说明吗?我已经用谷歌搜索了很多。对于版权,那甚至不是我的代码。它是来自 stanford acm 的代码,可以自己制作。现在我想自己做。
确保可以从命令行访问 latexmk
。您可以通过在命令行中键入 latexmk -version
来检查这一点。如果无法从命令行访问它,则需要将 latexmk
如果未安装 latexmk
,请按照此 link 正确安装 latexmk