在许多相邻行上使用 WHERE 进行缓慢的 Postgres 查询

Painfully slow Postgres query using WHERE on many adjacent rows

我有以下 psql table。它总共有大约 20 亿行。

 id  word      lemma     pos              textid  source     
 1  Stuffing   stuff      vvg             190568  AN         
 2  her        her        appge           190568  AN         
 3  key        key        nn1             190568  AN         
 4  into       into       ii              190568  AN         
 5  the        the        at              190568  AN         
 6  lock       lock       nn1             190568  AN         
 7  she        she        appge           190568  AN         
 8  pushed     push       vvd             190568  AN         
 9  her        her        appge           190568  AN         
10  way        way        nn1             190568  AN         
11  into       into       ii              190568  AN         
12  the        the        appge           190568  AN         
13  house      house      nn1             190568  AN         
14  .                     .               190568  AN         
15  She        she        appge           190568  AN         
16  had        have       vhd             190568  AN         
17  also       also       rr              190568  AN         
18  cajoled    cajole     vvd             190568  AN         
19  her        her        appge           190568  AN         
20  way        way        nn1             190568  AN         
21  into       into       ii              190568  AN         
22  the        the        at              190568  AN         
23  home       home       nn1             190568  AN         
24  .                     .               190568  AN         
..  ...        ...        ..              ...     ..

我想创建以下 table,它会并排显示所有 "way" 的结构,以及 "source"、[= 列中的一些数据31=] 和 "pos"。

source     word   word       word       lemma      pos        word       word     word       word       word       lemma      pos        word       word       
AN         lock   she        pushed     push       vvd        her        way      into       the        house      house      nn1        .          she
AN         had    also       cajoled    cajole     vvd        her        way      into       the        home       home       nn1        .          A          
AN         tried  to         force      force      vvi        her        way      into       the        palace     palace     nn1        ,          officials  


SELECT   c1.source, c1.word,  c2.word, c3.word,  c4.word, c4.lemma, c4.pos, c5.word, c6.word, c7.word, c8.word, c9.word, c9.lemma, c9.pos, c10.word, c11.word


orderedflatcorpus AS c1, orderedflatcorpus AS c2, orderedflatcorpus AS c3, orderedflatcorpus AS c4, orderedflatcorpus AS c5, orderedflatcorpus AS c6, orderedflatcorpus AS c7, orderedflatcorpus AS c8, orderedflatcorpus AS c9, orderedflatcorpus AS c10, orderedflatcorpus AS c11


c1.word LIKE '%' AND
c2.word LIKE '%' AND
c3.word LIKE '%' AND
c4.pos LIKE 'v%' AND
c5.pos = 'appge' AND
c6.lemma = 'way' AND
c7.pos LIKE 'i%' AND
c8.word = 'the' AND
c9.pos LIKE 'n%' AND
c10.word LIKE '%' AND
c11.word LIKE '%' 


c1.id + 1 = c2.id AND c1.id + 2 = c3.id AND c1.id + 3 = c4.id AND c1.id + 4 = c5.id AND c1.id + 5 = c6.id AND c1.id + 6 = c7.id AND c1.id + 7 = c8.id AND c1.id + 8 = c9.id AND c1.id + 9 = c10.id AND c1.id + 10 = c11.id

ORDER BY c1.id
csv header;

为 20 亿行(结果大约有 19,000 行)执行查询需要将近 9 个小时。


word、pos 和 lemma 列已经有 btree 索引。

我是否应该坚持我的代码并简单地使用一个更强大的服务器cores/a更快CPU和更多的内存(我的只有 8 GB 内存,只有 2 个内核和 2.8 GHz )?或者您会推荐一个不同的、更有效的 SQL 查询吗?



  c1.source, c1.word,  c2.word, c3.word,  c4.word, c4.lemma, c4.pos, c5.word, c6.word, c7.word, c8.word, c9.word, c9.lemma, c9.pos, c10.word, c11.word
FROM orderedflatcorpus AS c1
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c2 ON c1.id + 1 = c2.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c3 ON c1.id + 2 = c3.id 
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c4 ON c1.id + 3 = c4.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c5 ON c1.id + 4 = c5.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c6 ON c1.id + 5 = c6.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c7 ON c1.id + 6 = c7.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c8 ON c1.id + 7 = c8.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c9 ON c1.id + 8 = c9.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c10 ON c1.id + 9 = c10.id
JOIN orderedflatcorpus AS c11 ON c1.id + 10 = c11.id
WHERE c4.pos LIKE 'v%'
AND c5.pos = 'appge'
AND c6.lemma = 'way'
AND c7.pos LIKE 'i%'
AND c8.word = 'the'
AND c9.pos LIKE 'n%'


  • 删除了冗余的 LIKE
  • ORDER BY 去掉了,因为太贵了。 CSV(如 table 行)不需要排序即可生效。如果您绝对需要排序,请在执行查询后使用命令行工具对其进行排序。

Step1:使用一个window函数获取相邻条记录,避免痛苦的自连接(12tables已经非常接近极限了其中 geqo 接管):

WITH stuff AS (
    SELECT   c1.id , c1.source, c1.word
    , LEAD ( c1.word, 1) OVER (www) AS c2w
    , LEAD (c1.word, 2) OVER (www) AS c3w
    , LEAD ( c1.word, 3) OVER (www) AS c4w
    , LEAD (c1.lemma, 3) OVER (www) AS c4l
    , LEAD (c1.pos, 3) OVER (www) AS c4p
    , LEAD (c1.pos, 4) OVER (www) AS c5p
    , LEAD (c1.word, 4) OVER (www) AS c5w
    , LEAD (c1.word, 5) OVER (www) AS c6w
    , LEAD (c1.lemma, 5) OVER (www) AS c6l
    , LEAD (c1.word, 6) OVER (www) AS c7w
    , LEAD (c1.pos, 6) OVER (www) AS c7p
    , LEAD (c1.word, 7) OVER (www) AS c8w
    , LEAD (c1.word, 8) OVER (www) AS c9w
    , LEAD (c1.lemma, 8) OVER (www) AS c9l
    , LEAD (c1.pos, 8) OVER (www) AS c9p
    , LEAD (c1.word, 9) OVER (www) AS c10w
    , LEAD (c1.word, 10) OVER (www) AS c11w
    FROM orderedflatcorpus AS c1
    WINDOW www AS (ORDER BY id)
SELECT id ,  source, word
    , c2w
    , c3w
    , c4w
    , c4l
    , c4p
    , c5w
    , c6w
    , c7w
    , c8w
    , c9w
    , c9l
    , c9p
    , c10w
    , c11w
FROM stuff
AND c4p LIKE 'v%'
AND c5p = 'appge'
AND c6l = 'way'
AND c7p LIKE 'i%'
AND c8w = 'the'
AND c9p LIKE 'n%'
-- TO '/home/postgres/Results/OUTPUT.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;
TO '/tmp/OUTPUT2.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;

第 2 步:[数据模型] {word,lemma, pos} 列似乎是一个低基数组,您可以将它们压缩到一个单独的 token/lemma/pos-table:

    -- An index to speedup the unique extraction and final update
    -- (the index will be dropped automatically
    -- once the columns are dropped)
    CREATE INDEX ON tmp.orderedflatcorpus (word, lemma, pos );

    ANALYZE tmp.orderedflatcorpus;
    -- table containing the "squeezed out" domain
    CREATE TABLE tmp.words AS
     SELECT DISTINCT  word, lemma, pos
     FROM tmp.orderedflatcorpus
    ALTER TABLE tmp.words

    ALTER TABLE tmp.words
     ADD UNIQUE (word , lemma, pos );

    -- The original table needs an FK "link" to the new table
    ALTER TABLE tmp.orderedflatcorpus
      ADD column words_id INTEGER -- NOT NULL
      REFERENCES tmp.words(id)
    -- FK constraints are helped a lot by a supportive index.
    CREATE INDEX orderedflatcorpus_words_id_fk ON tmp.orderedflatcorpus (words_id)
    ANALYZE tmp.orderedflatcorpus;
    ANALYZE tmp.words;
    -- Initialize the FK column in the original table.
    --  we need NOT DISTINCT FROM here, since the joined
    --  columns could contain NULLs , which MUST compare equal.
    -- ------------------------------------------------------
    UPDATE tmp.orderedflatcorpus dst
       SET  words_id = src.id
      FROM tmp.words src
     WHERE src.word IS NOT DISTINCT FROM dst.word
       AND dst.lemma IS NOT DISTINCT FROM src.lemma
       AND dst.pos IS NOT DISTINCT FROM src.pos
    ALTER TABLE tmp.orderedflatcorpus
     DROP column word
     , DROP column lemma
     , DROP column pos

以及新的查询,对单词进行 JOIN -table:

WITH stuff AS (
    SELECT   c1.id , c1.source, w.word
    , LEAD ( w.word, 1) OVER (www) AS c2w
    , LEAD (w.word, 2) OVER (www) AS c3w
    , LEAD ( w.word, 3) OVER (www) AS c4w
    , LEAD (w.lemma, 3) OVER (www) AS c4l
    , LEAD (w.pos, 3) OVER (www) AS c4p
    , LEAD (w.pos, 4) OVER (www) AS c5p
    , LEAD (w.word, 4) OVER (www) AS c5w
    , LEAD (w.word, 5) OVER (www) AS c6w
    , LEAD (w.lemma, 5) OVER (www) AS c6l
    , LEAD (w.word, 6) OVER (www) AS c7w
    , LEAD (w.pos, 6) OVER (www) AS c7p
    , LEAD (w.word, 7) OVER (www) AS c8w
    , LEAD (w.word, 8) OVER (www) AS c9w
    , LEAD (w.lemma, 8) OVER (www) AS c9l
    , LEAD (w.pos, 8) OVER (www) AS c9p
    , LEAD (w.word, 9) OVER (www) AS c10w
    , LEAD (w.word, 10) OVER (www) AS c11w
    FROM orderedflatcorpus AS c1
    JOIN words w ON w.id=c1.words_id
    WINDOW www AS (ORDER BY c1.id)
SELECT id ,  source, word
    , c2w , c3w
    , c4w , c4l , c4p
    , c5w
    , c6w
    , c7w
    , c8w
    , c9w , c9l , c9p
    , c10w
    , c11w
FROM stuff
AND c4p LIKE 'v%'
AND c5p = 'appge'
AND c6l = 'way'
AND c7p LIKE 'i%'
AND c8w = 'the'
AND c9p LIKE 'n%'
-- TO '/home/postgres/Results/OUTPUT.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;
TO '/tmp/OUTPUT3.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;


Update :第一次查询,避免CTE

SELECT id ,  source, word
        , c2w
        , c3w
        , c4w
        , c4l
        , c4p
        , c5w
        , c6w
        , c7w
        , c8w
        , c9w
        , c9l
        , c9p
        , c10w
        , c11w
        SELECT   c1.id , c1.source, c1.word
        , LEAD ( c1.word, 1) OVER (www) AS c2w
        , LEAD (c1.word, 2) OVER (www) AS c3w
        , LEAD ( c1.word, 3) OVER (www) AS c4w
        , LEAD (c1.lemma, 3) OVER (www) AS c4l
        , LEAD (c1.pos, 3) OVER (www) AS c4p
        , LEAD (c1.pos, 4) OVER (www) AS c5p
        , LEAD (c1.word, 4) OVER (www) AS c5w
        , LEAD (c1.word, 5) OVER (www) AS c6w
        , LEAD (c1.lemma, 5) OVER (www) AS c6l
        , LEAD (c1.word, 6) OVER (www) AS c7w
        , LEAD (c1.pos, 6) OVER (www) AS c7p
        , LEAD (c1.word, 7) OVER (www) AS c8w
        , LEAD (c1.word, 8) OVER (www) AS c9w
        , LEAD (c1.lemma, 8) OVER (www) AS c9l
        , LEAD (c1.pos, 8) OVER (www) AS c9p
        , LEAD (c1.word, 9) OVER (www) AS c10w
        , LEAD (c1.word, 10) OVER (www) AS c11w
        FROM orderedflatcorpus AS c1
        WINDOW www AS (ORDER BY id)
        ) stuff
AND c4p LIKE 'v%'
AND c5p = 'appge'
AND c6l = 'way'
AND c7p LIKE 'i%'
AND c8w = 'the'
AND c9p LIKE 'n%'
-- TO '/home/postgres/Results/OUTPUT.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;
TO '/tmp/OUTPUT2a.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;


UPDATE2 两个 table 变体的子查询版本。

-- copy(
SELECT c1i, c1s, c1w
        , c2w , c3w
        , c4w , c4l , c4p
        , c5w
        , c6w
        , c7w
        , c8w
        , c9w , c9l , c9p
        , c10w
        , c11w
        SELECT c1.id AS c1i
        , c1.source AS c1s
        , w1.word AS c1w
        , LEAD (w1.word, 1) OVER www AS c2w
        , LEAD (w1.word, 2) OVER www AS c3w
        , LEAD (w1.word, 3) OVER www AS c4w
        , LEAD (w1.lemma, 3) OVER www AS c4l
        , LEAD (w1.pos, 3) OVER www AS c4p
        , LEAD (w1.pos, 4) OVER www AS c5p
        , LEAD (w1.word, 4) OVER www AS c5w
        , LEAD (w1.word, 5) OVER www AS c6w
        , LEAD (w1.lemma, 5) OVER www AS c6l
        , LEAD (w1.word, 6) OVER www AS c7w
        , LEAD (w1.pos, 6) OVER www AS c7p
        , LEAD (w1.word, 7) OVER www AS c8w
        , LEAD (w1.word, 8) OVER www AS c9w
        , LEAD (w1.lemma, 8) OVER www AS c9l
        , LEAD (w1.pos, 8) OVER www AS c9p
        , LEAD (w1.word, 9) OVER www AS c10w
        , LEAD (w1.word, 10) OVER www AS c11w
        FROM orderedflatcorpus c1
        JOIN words w1 ON w1.id=c1.words_id
        WHERE 1=1
/*      These *could* to prune out unmatched items, but I could not get it to work ...
        AND EXISTS (SELECT *FROM orderedflatcorpus c4 JOIN words w4 ON w4.id=c4.words_id
                WHERE c4.id = 3+c1.id -- AND w4.pos LIKE 'v%'
                )  -- OMG
        AND EXISTS (SELECT *FROM orderedflatcorpus c5 JOIN words w5 ON w5.id=c5.words_id
                WHERE c5.id = 4+c1.id -- AND w5.pos = 'appge'
                ) -- OMG
        AND EXISTS (SELECT *FROM orderedflatcorpus c7 JOIN words w7 ON w7.id=c7.words_id
                WHERE c7.id = 6+c1.id -- AND w7.pos LIKE 'i%'
                ) -- OMG
        AND EXISTS (SELECT *FROM orderedflatcorpus c9 JOIN words w9 ON w9.id=c9.words_id
                WHERE c9.id = 8+c1.id -- AND w9.pos LIKE 'n%'
                ) -- OMG
        AND EXISTS (SELECT *FROM orderedflatcorpus c8 JOIN words w8 ON w8.id=c8.words_id
                WHERE c8.id = 7+c1.id -- AND w8.word = 'the'
                )  -- OMG
        ) stuff
AND c4p LIKE 'v%'
AND c5p = 'appge'
AND c6l = 'way'
AND c7p LIKE 'i%'
AND c8w = 'the'
AND c9p LIKE 'n%'
   -- )
-- TO '/home/postgres/Results/OUTPUT.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;
-- TO '/tmp/OUTPUT3b.csv' DELIMITER E'\t' csv header;

让我们尝试重新格式化您的查询,看看我们能看到什么。要做的第一件事是将其更改为使用 ANSI 样式的连接,以便我们可以清楚地看到关系是什么:

SELECT c1.source, c1.word,  c2.word, c3.word, c4.word,
       c4.lemma, c4.pos, c5.word, c6.word, c7.word,
       c8.word, c9.word, c9.lemma, c9.pos, c10.word, c11.word
  FROM orderedflatcorpus c1
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c2
    ON c2.ID = c1.ID + 1 AND
       c2.WORD LIKE '%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c3
    ON c3.ID = c1.ID + 2 AND
       c3.WORD LIKE '%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c4
    ON c4.ID = c1.ID + 3 AND
       c4.pos LIKE 'v%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c5
    ON c5.ID = c1.ID + 4 AND
       c5.pos = 'appge'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c6
    ON c6.ID = c1.ID + 5 AND
       c6.lemma = 'way'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c7
    ON c7.ID = c1.ID + 6 AND
       c7.pos LIKE 'i%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c8
    ON c8.ID = c1.ID + 7 AND
       c8.word = 'the'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c9
    ON c9.ID = c1.ID + 8 AND
       c9.pos LIKE 'n%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c10
    ON c10.ID = c1.ID + 9 AND
       c10.WORD LIKE '%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c11
    ON c11.ID = c1.ID + 10 AND
       c11.WORD LIKE '%'
ORDER BY c1.id

好的,首先 - 所有 LIKE 都将终止此查询。让我们尽可能地消除它们。我在这里假设在 ORDEREDFLATCORPUS 中 WORD 不能为 NULL,因此可以消除所有 IS LIKE '%' 条件:

SELECT c1.source, c1.word,  c2.word, c3.word, c4.word,
       c4.lemma, c4.pos, c5.word, c6.word, c7.word,
       c8.word, c9.word, c9.lemma, c9.pos, c10.word, c11.word
  FROM orderedflatcorpus c1
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c2
    ON c2.ID = c1.ID + 1
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c3
    ON c3.ID = c1.ID + 2
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c4
    ON c4.ID = c1.ID + 3 AND
       c4.pos LIKE 'v%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c5
    ON c5.ID = c1.ID + 4 AND
       c5.pos = 'appge'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c6
    ON c6.ID = c1.ID + 5 AND
       c6.lemma = 'way'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c7
    ON c7.ID = c1.ID + 6 AND
       c7.pos LIKE 'i%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c8
    ON c8.ID = c1.ID + 7 AND
       c8.word = 'the'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c9
    ON c9.ID = c1.ID + 8 AND
       c9.pos LIKE 'n%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c10
    ON c10.ID = c1.ID + 9
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c11
    ON c11.ID = c1.ID + 10
ORDER BY c1.id

如果 WORD 可以为 NULL,那么您可能需要使用:

SELECT c1.source, c1.word,  c2.word, c3.word, c4.word,
       c4.lemma, c4.pos, c5.word, c6.word, c7.word,
       c8.word, c9.word, c9.lemma, c9.pos, c10.word, c11.word
  FROM orderedflatcorpus c1
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c2
    ON c2.ID = c1.ID + 1 AND
       c2.WORD IS NOT NULL
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c3
    ON c3.ID = c1.ID + 2 AND
       c3.WORD IS NOT NULL
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c4
    ON c4.ID = c1.ID + 3 AND
       c4.pos LIKE 'v%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c5
    ON c5.ID = c1.ID + 4 AND
       c5.pos = 'appge'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c6
    ON c6.ID = c1.ID + 5 AND
       c6.lemma = 'way'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c7
    ON c7.ID = c1.ID + 6 AND
       c7.pos LIKE 'i%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c8
    ON c8.ID = c1.ID + 7 AND
       c8.word = 'the'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c9
    ON c9.ID = c1.ID + 8 AND
       c9.pos LIKE 'n%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c10
    ON c10.ID = c1.ID + 9 AND
       c10.WORD IS NOT NULL
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c11
    ON c11.ID = c1.ID + 10 AND
       c11.WORD IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY c1.id

接下来 - 此查询需要尽可能早地进行尽可能多的过滤。数据库查询优化器 可能 能够解决这个问题,但让我们先将等值连接放在连接列表中,然后调整 ID 计算以反映我们的信息,从而给它一些帮助重新获得第一名:

SELECT c1.source, c1.word,  c2.word, c3.word, c4.word,
       c4.lemma, c4.pos, c5.word, c6.word, c7.word,
       c8.word, c9.word, c9.lemma, c9.pos, c10.word, c11.word
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c5
    ON c5.pos = 'appge'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c6
    ON c6.ID = c5.ID + 1 AND
       c6.lemma = 'way'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c8
    ON c8.ID = c5.ID + 3 AND
       c8.word = 'the'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c1
    ON c1.ID = c5.ID - 4 AND
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c2
    ON c2.ID = c5.ID - 3
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c3
    ON c3.ID = c5.ID - 2
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c4
    ON c4.ID = c5.ID - 1 AND
       c4.pos LIKE 'v%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c7
    ON c7.ID = c5.ID + 2 AND
       c7.pos LIKE 'i%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c9
    ON c9.ID = c5.ID + 4 AND
       c9.pos LIKE 'n%'
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c10
    ON c10.ID = c5.ID + 5
  INNER JOIN orderedflatcorpus c11
    ON c11.ID = c5.ID + 6
ORDER BY c1.id



将这些索引放在 运行 这个查询上,看看是否有帮助。另外,检查 ID 计算 - 我 认为 我做对了但是... :-)
