使用 AutoIt 进行图像搜索

Image Search using AutoIt

我只是想用 AutoIt 做一个简单的 ImageSearch 脚本。但是我无法让它正常工作,即使我确定我正在搜索的图像在屏幕上。


#include <ImageSearch.au3>
global $x , $y
HotKeySet ("{F1}",StartScriptc)
HotKeySet ("{F2}",StopScript)
While 1
Func StartScriptc()
Func StopScript()
Func FindPicture()
    While 1
        ConsoleWrite ("Before search" & @CRLF)
        $search =  _ImageSearch("test2.bmp",0,$x,$y,50)
        if $search = 1 Then
            ConsoleWrite ("Found it!" & @CRLF)
            ConsoleWrite ("Fail!" & @CRLF)

当我 运行 此代码时,我得到了“搜索前”输出,但它从未传递到 _ImageSearch() 函数之后的行。相反,scipt 刚刚结束(我猜它是一个崩溃) 这是我得到的输出:

Before search

14:10:51 AutoIt3.exe ended.rc:-1073741819

14:10:51 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished.

Exit code: 3221225477 Time: 9.844

我不是 ImageSearch.au3 的作者,它来自 http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/65748-image-search-library/。 我试过 32 位和 64 位版本都没有成功。我将 DLL 和 ImageSearch 脚本放入与我的 .bmp 文件和测试脚本相同的文件夹中。

This Image Search library works for me.

; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; AutoIt Version: 3.0
; Language:       English
; Description:    Functions that assist with Image Search
;                 Require that the ImageSearchDLL.dll be loadable
; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; Description:      Find the position of an image on the desktop
; Syntax:           _ImageSearchArea, _ImageSearch
; Parameter(s):     
;                   $findImage - the image to locate on the desktop
;                   $tolerance - 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of 
;                                image differ from desktop. e.g GIF
;                   $resultPosition - Set where the returned x,y location of the image is.
;                                     1 for centre of image, 0 for top left of image
;                   $x $y - Return the x and y location of the image
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Returns 1
;                   On Failure - Returns 0 
; Note: Use _ImageSearch to search the entire desktop, _ImageSearchArea to specify
;       a desktop region to search
Func _ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance)
   return _ImageSearchArea($findImage,$resultPosition,0,0,@DesktopWidth,@DesktopHeight,$x,$y,$tolerance)

Func _ImageSearchArea($findImage,$resultPosition,$x1,$y1,$right,$bottom,ByRef $x, ByRef $y, $tolerance)
    ;MsgBox(0,"asd","" & $x1 & " " & $y1 & " " & $right & " " & $bottom)
    if $tolerance>0 then $findImage = "*" & $tolerance & " " & $findImage
    $result = DllCall("ImageSearchDLL.dll","str","ImageSearch","int",$x1,"int",$y1,"int",$right,"int",$bottom,"str",$findImage)

    ; If error exit
    if $result[0]="0" then return 0

    ; Otherwise get the x,y location of the match and the size of the image to
    ; compute the centre of search
    $array = StringSplit($result[0],"|")

   if $resultPosition=1 then
      $x=$x + Int(Number($array[4])/2)
      $y=$y + Int(Number($array[5])/2)
   return 1

; Description:      Wait for a specified number of seconds for an image to appear
; Syntax:           _WaitForImageSearch, _WaitForImagesSearch
; Parameter(s):     
;                   $waitSecs  - seconds to try and find the image
;                   $findImage - the image to locate on the desktop
;                   $tolerance - 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of 
;                                image differ from desktop. e.g GIF
;                   $resultPosition - Set where the returned x,y location of the image is.
;                                     1 for centre of image, 0 for top left of image
;                   $x $y - Return the x and y location of the image
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Returns 1
;                   On Failure - Returns 0 
Func _WaitForImageSearch($findImage,$waitSecs,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance)
    $waitSecs = $waitSecs * 1000
    While TimerDiff($startTime) < $waitSecs
        $result=_ImageSearch($findImage,$resultPosition,$x, $y,$tolerance)
        if $result > 0 Then
            return 1
    return 0

; Description:      Wait for a specified number of seconds for any of a set of
;                   images to appear
; Syntax:           _WaitForImagesSearch
; Parameter(s):     
;                   $waitSecs  - seconds to try and find the image
;                   $findImage - the ARRAY of images to locate on the desktop
;                              - ARRAY[0] is set to the number of images to loop through
;                                ARRAY[1] is the first image
;                   $tolerance - 0 for no tolerance (0-255). Needed when colors of 
;                                image differ from desktop. e.g GIF
;                   $resultPosition - Set where the returned x,y location of the image is.
;                                     1 for centre of image, 0 for top left of image
;                   $x $y - Return the x and y location of the image
; Return Value(s):  On Success - Returns the index of the successful find
;                   On Failure - Returns 0 
Func _WaitForImagesSearch($findImage,$waitSecs,$resultPosition,ByRef $x, ByRef $y,$tolerance)
    $waitSecs = $waitSecs * 1000
    While TimerDiff($startTime) < $waitSecs
        for $i = 1 to $findImage[0]
            $result=_ImageSearch($findImage[$i],$resultPosition,$x, $y,$tolerance)
            if $result > 0 Then
                return $i
    return 0