
Which files from the target directory are actually required by the executable?

我的程序编译后'zagir',release文件夹有200MiB多的大小,这对于我写的程序来说是可笑的。因此,我尝试检查是否只有 'zagir' 可执行文件在隔离运行并且确实如此。

但令人困惑的是,release 文件夹还包括 libzagir.rlib 文件以及 .d 文件和一堆其他文件夹。

  1. 它们到底是什么?
  2. 他们真的需要吗?
  3. 当这些文件被忽略时,我会在执行过程中出错吗?
  4. 我应该为完整的可执行文件捆绑哪些文件?


authors = ["Sharad Chand"]
name = "zagir"
version = "0.1.0"

bcrypt = "0.1.3"
dotenv = "0.10.1"
image = "0.17.0"
log = "0.3.8"
r2d2 = "0.7.3"
r2d2-diesel = "0.16.0"
rand = "0.3.16"
rocket = "0.3.2"
rocket_codegen = "0.3.2"
serde = "1.0.11"
serde_derive = "1.0.11"
serde_json = "1.0.2"
validator = "0.6.0"
validator_derive = "0.6.0"

features = ["serde"]
version = "0.0.10"

features = ["serde"]
version = "0.4.0"

features = [
version = "0.16.0"

features = ["mysql"]
version = "0.16.0"

features = ["handlebars_templates"]
version = "0.3.2"

features = ["v4"]
version = "0.4"

Which files from the target directory are actually required by the executable

None 个,除了可执行文件本身。默认情况下,Rust 生成 静态链接的二进制文件

其他文件只是由 Cargo 维护的构建工件,以便更有效地重建代码。它们包括诸如您的依赖项之类的东西。


  • *.d — Makefile 兼容依赖列表
  • *.rlib — Rust 库文件。包含依赖的编译代码
  • build — 用作临时文件的构建脚本目录 space
  • deps — 你编译的依赖项
  • examples — 来自 examples 目录的二进制文件
  • incremental — 增量编译缓存目录
  • *-{hash} — 来自 cargo test
  • 的二进制文件
  • 可执行文件——你的目标二进制文件

其中一些已记录在案 in the Cargo source code