
axis from plotly chart in R

我正在尝试用 R ( the chart I want) 中的 plotly 重现此甘特图。我有一个包含 6 列的数据框,我想在 y 轴上显示文本,在 x 轴上显示月份和年份。根据我的 dataframe 我有以下内容:


df$two =as.Date(df$two,"%m/%d/%Y")

client = "my example"

# Choose colors based on number of resources
cols <- RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(length(unique(df$five)), name = "Set3")
df$color <- factor(df$five, labels = cols)

# Initialize empty plot
p <- plot_ly()

# Each task is a separate trace
# Each trace is essentially a thick line plot
# x-axis ticks are dates and handled automatically

for(i in 1:(nrow(df))){
  p <- add_trace(p,
                 x = c(df$two[i], df$two[i] + df$three[i]),  # x0, x1
                 y = c(i, i),  # y0, y1
                 mode = "lines",
                 line = list(color = df$color[i], width = 20),
                 showlegend = F,
                 hoverinfo = "text",

                 # Create custom hover text

                 text = paste("Task: ", df$one[i], "<br>",
                              "Duration: ", df$three[i], "days<br>",
                              "Resource: ", df$five[i]),

                 evaluate = T  # needed to avoid lazy loading

# Add information to plot and make the chart more presentable

p <- layout(p,

            # Axis options:
            # 1. Remove gridlines
            # 2. Customize y-axis tick labels and show task names instead of numbers

            xaxis = list(showgrid = F, tickfont = list(color = "#e6e6e6")),

            yaxis = list(showgrid = F, tickfont = list(color = "#e6e6e6"),
                         tickmode = "array", tickvals = 1:nrow(df), ticktext = unique(df$one),
                         domain = c(0, 0.9)),

            # Annotations

            annotations = list(
              # Add total duration and total resources used
              # x and y coordinates are based on a domain of [0,1] and not
              # actual x-axis and y-axis values

              list(xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
                   x = 0.80, y = 0.1,
                   text = paste0("Total Duration: ", sum(df$three), " days<br>",
                                 "Total Resources: ", length(unique(df$five)), "<br>"),
                   font = list(color = "#ffff66", size = 12),
                   ax = 0, ay = 0,
                   align = "left"),

              # Add client name and title on top

              list(xref = "paper", yref = "paper",
                   x = 0.1, y = 1, xanchor = "left",
                   text = paste0("Gantt Chart: ", client),
                   font = list(color = "#f2f2f2", size = 20, family = "Times New Roman"),
                   ax = 0, ay = 0,
                   align = "left")

            plot_bgcolor = "#333333",  # Chart area color
            paper_bgcolor = "#333333")  # Axis area color




  1. 如何从我的 y 轴(而不是数字)上的任务(第一列)获取文本?
  2. 如何获得 x 轴上的所有月份?


问题 1 的答案:


ticktext = unique(df$one)

由于 df$one 包含 12 个相同的值,因此只有 1 个唯一值,因此不是您需要的 12 个。要解决此问题,您可以只使用 ticktext = df$one 或确保 df$one 中的标签是唯一的(就像您链接到的示例中的情况一样)。例如,将 df$one 更改为 bla1,bla2, ..., bla12 将适用于您当前的示例。

和问题 2:

要指定 x 轴上的刻度间隔,您可以使用 dtick 参数。在您的情况下,这将导致在您的 x 轴代码行中添加以下内容:

xaxis = list(showgrid = F, tickfont = list(color = "#e6e6e6"),
             dtick = "M1")

其中 M 指定您希望间隔以月为单位,1 指定您希望间隔为 1 个月(令人震惊!)。仅供参考,这会自动将刻度标签的方向更改为垂直,如果你想调整它,你可以使用 tickangle 参数。