
Trying to draw a Non- Deterministic Finite Automata



Design a Non- Deterministic Finite Automata that accepts ∑={0,1}. The Non-Deterministic Finite Automata should be able to determine all strings that have at most two zeroes and at least two ones.


这是该语言的最小 DFA(最小 DFA 是 DFA 是 NFA):

              0         0          0
        |          |          |         |
        | 1        | 1        | 1       |  __
        |          |          |         | /  \
        V    0     V    0     V    0    V V   | 0, 1
        |          |          |         ^
        | 1        | 1        | 1       |
        |          |          |         |
        V    0     V    0     V    0    |
     /  ^       /  ^       /  ^
  1 |   |    1 |   |    1 |   |
     \_/        \_/        \_/

想法是在看到 x 个零和 y 个之后访问状态 (x,y);如果您已经看到两个零并且看到另一个零,则该字符串会通过转换为死状态而被拒绝;如果你看过两个,你可以想看多少就看多少。 (x,2) 形式的州正在接受。