始终在 QTableView 的单元格中显示 QComboBox

Always show a QComboBox in a cell of a QTableView

我有一个带有关联模型的 QTableView。我想在第三列的每个单元格中都有一个 QComboBox。

我使用了 QItemDelegate,如本页所示:https://wiki.qt.io/Combo_Boxes_in_Item_Views。 它有效,但组合框仅在双击单元格后显示,用户必须再次单击以显示可能值的列表。这有点不方便。


我正在尝试使用 openPersistentEditor 方法,但它现在不起作用...

有一些代码接近我的代码(ComboBoxItemDelegate 与之前链接的示例相同):

MonWidget::MonWidget() : _ui(new Ui::MonWidget())
    // ...

    // Links Model
    _linksModel = new QStandardItemModel(this);

    // Links Headers
    QStringList linksTableViewHeader  << "Name" << "Path" << "Version";
    _linksModel->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(linksTableViewHeader) ;

    // Create itemDelegate for linksView
    _itemDelegate = new ComboBoxItemDelegate(_ui->_linksView);

    // Set the links model on the links table view
// AddLinksInListView : method called when I add some rows ...
void MonWidget::AddLinksInListView(QList<DataItem*> listLinks)
    int j=0;
    int initialLinksNumber = _linksModel->rowCount();

    // For each link, add a row with the link information
    for (int row=initialLinksNumber; row<(initialLinksNumber + listLinks.size()) ; row++)
        for (int column = 0; column < _linksModel->columnCount(); column++) {
            //item used to display information for each column in the table view of links contained in the collection
            QStandardItem *item=0;

                case MonWidget::NAME:
                    item = new QStandardItem(listLinks.at(j)->data(MonWidget::NAME).toString());
                    _linksModel->setItem(row, column, item);
                case MonWidget::PATH:
                    item = new QStandardItem(listLinks.at(j)->data(MonWidget::PATH).toString());
                    _linksModel->setItem(row, column, item);
                case MonWidget::VERSION:
                    item = new QStandardItem(listLinks.at(j)->data(MonWidget::PATH).toString());
                    _linksModel->setItem(row, column, item);
                    _ui->_linksView->openPersistentEditor(_linksModel->index(row, column));

是的,有一种方法,使用openPersistentEditor。假设您的模型名为 myModel:

YourDelegate* comboDelegate = new YourDelegate(this);
setItemDelegateForColumn(2, comboDelegate); // delegate set for the third column

// when adding a new line, use this.
// The combo box will be always visible
openPersistentEditor(myModel->index(iRow, 1));