用两个不同的 yAxis scale highcharts 定义 yAxis 值

Define yAxis value with two different yAxis scale highcharts

你好,我有一个 Highcharts 图表,它是一个有两个不同 yAxis 的折线图。 左边一图%,右边一分钟。 我想 "hardcode" 左边是这个比例 "0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%"


   var chartTot = {
     chart: {
         renderTo: 'grafTot',
         type: 'line',
         marginBottom: 110,

     legend: {
         itemDistance: 20,
         itemWidth: 190

     title: {
         text: ''
     plotOptions: {
         series: {
             marker: {
                 enabled: false
     xAxis: {
         categories: $scope.hours
     yAxis: [{ //1st yAxis
             title: {
                 text: 'Clients %'
             min: 0, // I want my graphic 0 to 100 but with this i get 
             max: 100, // 0- 120 because of the second axis 
             labels: {
                 format: '{value} %',

         { //2nd yAxis
             title: {
                 text: 'Minutes'
             min: 0,
             max: 60,
             labels: {
                 format: '{value} min',
                 style: {
                     color: Highcharts.getOptions().colors[6]
             opposite: true


如何定义第一个 yAxis 刻度并离开第二个动态?


您应该将 alignTicks 设置为 false