Tensorflow - 总变异损失 - reduce_sum vs reduce_mean?

Tensorflow - Total Variation Loss - reduce_sum vs reduce_mean?

为什么Total Variation Loss in Tensorflow建议使用reduce_sum而不是reduce_mean作为损失函数?

This can be used as a loss-function during optimization so as to suppress noise in images. If you have a batch of images, then you should calculate the scalar loss-value as the sum:
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.image.total_variation(images))

我联系了作者,似乎根本没有什么重要的原因。他提到也许 reduce_sum 对于他的测试用例比 reduce_mean 更有效,但鼓励我测试这两种情况并选择能给我最好结果的那个。