IB 构建的 NSTableview 中的 NSTextFieldCell 是什么

What´s that NSTextFieldCell in a NSTableview built by IB

如果我在 IB 中的 Viewcontroller 中拖入一个 NSTableView,则有一个类型为 NSTextFieldCell 的元素 "Text Cell"。

无法删除。 NSTextFieldCell 有什么用?

来自Table View Programming Guide for Mac, Understanding Table Views

Most tables are NSView based, which means that each cell is provided by an NSView subclass, often by NSTableCellView (or a subclass). Some tables are NSCell based, which means that each table cell is based on a subclass of NSCell. For the most part, NSCell-based tables are used to support legacy code; if you’re creating a new app, you want to use NSView-based tables.

文本单元格用于基于 NSCell 的 table 视图。