如何在 clojure/ring 中进行 http 调用?

How can I make an http call in clojure/ring?

我的 Web 客户端(用 cljs 编写)连接到后端(用 clj 编写)需要进行一些第三方 API 调用。它必须在服务器上完成,然后将结果以特定方式转换并发送回客户端。


(defn get-orders [req]
  (let [{:keys [sig uri]} (api-signature :get-orders)]
    (client/get uri
                {:async? true}
                (fn [response] {:body "something"})
                (fn [exception] {:body "error"}))))

它没有返回 {:body "something"},而是返回以下错误:

No implementation of method: :render of protocol: #'compojure.response/Renderable found for class: org.apache.http.impl.nio.client.FutureWrapper


当您指定 {:async? true} 时,clj-http.client/get 将 return a future,这是您收到的错误消息中的 FutureWrapper

所以如果你不需要异步,就不要使用它。这是调用第三方 url 和 return 返回的响应的同步环处理程序的示例。

(defn handler [request]
  (response {:result (client/get "http://example.com")}))


(defn handler [request respond raise]
  (client/get "http://example.com"
              {:async? true}
              (fn [response] (respond {:body "something"}))
              (fn [exception] (raise {:body "error"}))))

不要忘记配置网络服务器适配器以使用异步处理程序。例如,对于 Jetty,将 :async? 标志设置为 true,就像这样

(jetty/run-jetty app {:port 4000 :async? true :join? false})


(defn handler [request]
  (let [result1 (promise)
        result2 (promise)]
    (client/get "http://example.com/"
                {:async? true}
                (fn [response] (deliver result1 {:success true :body "something"}))
                (fn [exception] (deliver result1 {:success false :body "error"})))
    (client/get "http://example.com/"
                {:async? true}
                (fn [response] (deliver result2 {:success true :body "something"}))
                (fn [exception] (deliver result2 {:success false :body "error"})))
      (and (:success @result1)
           (:success @result2))
      (response {:result1 (:body @result1)
                 :result2 (:body @result2)})

      (not (:success @result1))
      (throw (ex-info "fail1" (:body @result1)))

      (not (:success @result2))
      (throw (ex-info "fail2" (:body @result2))))))