无法将没有 YogaNode 的 child 添加到没有测量功能的 parent! (尝试将 'ReactRawTextShadowNode' 添加到 'LayoutShadow

Cannot add a child that doesn't have a YogaNode to a parent without a measure function! (Trying to add a 'ReactRawTextShadowNode' to a 'LayoutShadow

根据 this 教程,这是我的组件,我将其用于 react base 组件作为侧边栏组件,它工作得很好,但是当我将列表项从 <Text> 更改为 <Button>

    import { Text, Container, Header, Content, List, ListItem, TextBody, Button } from 'native-base';
import { StackNavigator, DrawerNavigator } from 'react-navigation'

export default class SideBar extends Component {

    render() {
        return (
            <Content style={{ backgroundColor: '#ffffff' }}>



cant add a child that doesn't have a YogaNede to parent without the measure function !(Trying to Add a 'ReactRawTextshadow' to a 'LayoutShadowNode' )


> Cannot add a child that doesn't have a YogaNode to a parent without a
> measure function! (Trying to add a 'ReactRawTextShadowNode' to a
> 'LayoutShadowNode') addChildAt
>     ReactShadowNodeImpl.java:199 addChildAt
>     ReactShadowNodeImpl.java:54 setChildren
>     UIImplementation.java:472 setChildren
>     UIManagerModule.java:436 invoke
>     Method.java invoke
>     Method.java:372 invoke
>     JavaMethodWrapper.java:374 invoke
>     JavaModuleWrapper.java:162 run
>     NativeRunnable.java handleCallback
>     Handler.java:739 dispatchMessage
>     Handler.java:95 dispatchMessage
>     MessageQueueThreadHandler.java:31 loop
>     Looper.java:135 run
>     MessageQueueThreadImpl.java:194 run
>     Thread.java:818

您应该使用 <Text><Button> 中显示文本

    <Button> <Text>First</Text> </Button>

对于其他因与 OP 相同的错误消息而登陆此页面的人, 有很多问题会导致相同的错误消息。
此一般错误消息周围有一个 GitHub issue


  • 要呈现的文本未包含在 <Text> 标签中
  • JSX 语法错误(例如,;,或格式错误的标签)
  • a space 在 JSX 注释和 JSX 标签之间,如果你使用 Prettier
    (似乎 Prettier 自动 ; 插入,
    (解决方案:将 JSX 注释移到它自己的行)

  • 某些值被假定为 null,但它是 undefined,或 ''(空字符串)。
    '' 的情况下,它需要被包裹在 <Text> 中(参见 上面第一项)

  • 不包装子标签 (ScrollView in particular)
  • space between two adjacent tags
  • CSS 有问题

    If a CSS node has measure defined, the layout algorithm will not visit its children. Even more, it asserts that you don't add children to nodes with measure functions.

如果您无法找到错误的根源,我强烈建议您看一下: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/13243


To summarize:
This issue is about what React Native perceives to be mal formatted JSX (usually occurring on Android render) and this thread has done a good job documenting the many forms this malformatted JSX can come in.

It Still doesn't solve the need for developers to comb through their code line by line looking for a random semicolons or spaces.

If there is a way to have the stack trace be more specific about the specific offending character or error, that would probably save devs hours of sad debugging..


      {caption && (
          style={[styles.tag, { marginBottom: 8 }]}

出于某种原因,我需要将 caption 从字符串强制转换为布尔值才能在 Android 上工作。 (在 iOS 上运行良好):

     {!!caption && (
          style={[styles.tag, { marginBottom: 8 }]}


我的案例中的错误涉及来自 react-native-paperSnackbar


    style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue' }}
    action={{ label: 'OK', onPress: props.onPress }}
    onDismiss={onDismiss: props.onDismiss}
        <Text>Some Text</Text>


    style={{ backgroundColor: 'blue' }}
    action={{ label: 'OK', onPress: props.onPress }}
    onDismiss={onDismiss: props.onDismiss}
    Some Text

令我惊讶的是,解决方案与包装成 <Text> 相反。这里可能是 Snackbar 特定的东西。