如何将正无穷大和负无穷大输入到 MIT Scheme 中?

How does one input positive and negative infinities into MIT Scheme?

Section 4.7.2 of the MIT/GNU Scheme Reference Manual 表示

The IEEE floating-point number specification supports three special ‘numbers’: positive infinity (+inf), negative infinity (-inf), and not-a-number (NaN).

这些常量除了是明确定义的 IEEE 浮点值外,对于范围运算也很有用。但是,我无法在我的程序中使用它们:

1 ]=> +inf

;Unbound variable: +inf


1 ]=> (flo:/ 1. 0.)

;Floating-point division by zero

如何在 MIT Scheme 中输入或生成无穷大的浮点常量?

tests/runtime/test-arith.scm 建议使用 flo:with-exceptions-untrapped:

;;; XXX The nonsense about IDENTITY-PROCEDURE here serves to fake
;;; out bogus constant-folding which needs to be fixed in SF (and
;;; probably LIAR too).

(define (zero)
  (identity-procedure 0.))

(define (nan)
  (flo:with-exceptions-untrapped (flo:exception:invalid-operation)
    (lambda ()
      (flo:/ (zero) (zero)))))

(define (inf+)
  (flo:with-exceptions-untrapped (flo:exception:divide-by-zero)
    (lambda ()
      (flo:/ +1. (zero)))))

(define (inf-)
  (flo:with-exceptions-untrapped (flo:exception:divide-by-zero)
    (lambda ()
      (flo:/ -1. (zero)))))
