如何在 Google 文档文本编辑器中使用正则表达式查找和替换?

How do I find and replace using Regular Expressions in Google Docs Text Editor?

我正在尝试将我的笔记从 Kindle 导入 Google 文档(您可以查看它 here),并且我有一个文档,我想在其中删除所有出现以下文本(包括换行符):

Read more at location 6567 • Delete this highlight
Add a note

我想出了以下搜索模式并在 this google sheet 上对其进行了测试,以确保我的正则表达式语法有效:

"Read more at location (\d*)   • Delete this highlight\nAdd a note"

然后我创建了一个 google 应用程序脚本,并将其加载到我的文档中:

function onOpen() {
  DocumentApp.getUi() // Or DocumentApp or FormApp.
      .addItem('Remove Kindle HTML', 'findAndReplace')

// In-Document Find and Replace

function findAndReplace() {
  var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
    body.replaceText("Read more at location (\d*)   • Delete this highlight\nAdd a note", "");

但是,当我 运行 它时,它不会替换文本。我认为这是 REGEX 的问题,因为当我改为 运行 这段代码时,它起作用了:

function replaceBat() {
  var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
    body.replaceText("BBat", "BBAat REPLACEMENT SUCCESSFUL");


根据 documentation,某些模式可能不起作用:

A subset of the JavaScript regular expression features are not fully supported, such as capture groups and mode modifiers.

regex specifications in GoogleDocs here,并没有说支持\d。所以,试试这个正则表达式:

^Read more at location [0-9]* • Delete this highlight[[:space:]]Add a note


^Read more at location [0-9]*[^[:alpha:]]*Delete this highlight[[:space:]]Add a note



body.replaceText(/Read more at location (\d*)   • Delete this highlight\nAdd a note/, "");

要获取所有实例,请添加 g 标志:

body.replaceText(/Read more at location (\d*)   • Delete this highlight\nAdd a note/g, "");

问题是 Docs 正则表达式不支持“/d”匹配任何数字或“/s”匹配任何白色space字符,但支持 支持“[[:space:]]”匹配任意白色space字符!


// In-Document Find and Replace

function findAndReplace() {
  var body = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
  body.replaceText("^Read more at location [0-9]*   • Delete this highlight[[:space:]]Add a note", "");

我在 https://www.google.com/support/enterprise/static/postini/docs/admin/en/admin_ee_cu/cm_regex.html

找到了 [[:space:]] 语法

看起来 Google 文档和表格现在允许您在搜索文本时以本机方式使用正则表达式。


regex search functionality in google docs
