使用 library(real) 的序言​​程序可以关联吗?

can prolog programs using library(real) be made relational?


:- use_module( library(real) ).
:- use_module( library(lists) ).
:- use_module( library(apply_macros) ).
:- use_module( library(readutil) ).

my_sum(L, S):-
    i <- L,
    <- i,
    S <- sum(i).

有没有办法修改程序,使其能够 运行 倒退? 目前,这有效:

?- my_sum([1,2,3],X).
X = 6.


?- my_sum(L,2).
ERROR: Arguments are not sufficiently instantiated
ERROR:   [13] _6776=..[_6782|_6784]
ERROR:   [12] real:r_call(_6814,[rvar(i),...|_6832]) at /home/raoul/lib/swipl/pack/real/prolog/real.pl:1101
ERROR:    [8] my_sum(_6862++[...|_6870],2) at /home/raoul/Bureau/prolog_relational_stats/relational_R.pl:16
ERROR:    [7] <user>
ERROR: Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
ERROR: Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.

从页。 the manual 中的 4 个:

The <-/1 predicate sends an R expression, represented as a ground Prolog term, to R, without getting any results back to Prolog. The <-/2 operator facilitates bi-directional communication. If the left-hand side is a free variable, the library assumes that we are passing data from R to Prolog. If the left-hand side is bound, Real assumes that we are passing data or function calls to R.

因此,如果 L 未实例化,您的代码将失败。


my_sum(L,S) :-
  ( ground(L), var(S) ->
    i <- L, <- i, S <- sum(i)
  ; var(L), ground(S) ->
    % your code here
  ; % error?
