使用 numpy 旋转 2d 子数组而没有混叠效果
Rotating a 2d sub-array using numpy without aliasing effects
首先计算沿 x 轴的风向的浓度,然后使用围绕我的阵列中心点(烟囱位置)的二维线性旋转将所有点的浓度转换为它们的旋转位置> 0。
旋转公式的输入 X、Y 是像素索引。
谁能帮我找到解决问题的方法?如果可能的话,我想使用 numpy 或最少的软件包来解决这个问题...
我的脚本中处理计算浓度和将像素旋转 50°N 的部分如下。谢谢你的帮助。
def linear2D_rotation(xcoord,ycoord,azimuth_degrees):
radians = (90 - azimuth_degrees) * (np.pi / 180) # in radians
xcoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.cos(radians)) - (ycoord * np.sin(radians))
ycoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.sin(radians)) + (ycoord * np.cos(radians))
return xcoord_rotated,ycoord_rotated
u_orient = 50 # wind orientation in degres from North
kernel = np.zeros((NpixelY, NpixelX)) # initialize matrix
Yc = int((NpixelY - 1) / 2) # position of central pixel
Xc = int((NpixelX - 1) / 2) # position of central pixel
nk = 0
for Y in list(range(0,NpixelX)):
for X in list(range(0,NpixelY)):
# compute concentrations only in positive x-direction
if (X-Xc)>0:
# nnumber of pixels to origin point (chimney)
dx = ((X-Xc)+1)
dy = ((Y-Yc)+1)
# distance of point to origin (chimney)
DX = dx*pixel_size_X
DY = dy*pixel_size_Y
# compute diffusivity coefficients
Sy, Sz = calcul_diffusivity_coeff(DX, stability_class)
# concentration at ground level below the centerline of the plume
C = (Q / (2 * np.pi * u * Sy * Sz)) * \
np.exp(-(DY / (2 * Sy)) ** 2) * \
(np.exp(-((Z - H) / (2 * Sz)) ** 2) + np.exp(-((Z + H) / (2 * Sz)) ** 2)) # at point away from center line
C = C * 1e9 # convert MBq to Bq
# rotate only if concentration value at pixel is positive
if C > 1e-12:
X_rot, Y_rot = linear2D_rotation(xcoord=dx, ycoord=dy,azimuth_degrees=u_orient)
X2 = int(round(Xc+X_rot))
Y2 = int(round(Yc-Y_rot)) # Y increases downwards
# pixels that fall out of bounds -> ignore
if (X2 > (NpixelX - 1)) or (X2 < 0) or (Y2 > (NpixelY - 1)):
# replace new pixel position in kernel array
kernel[Y2, X2] = C
旋转 40°N 的阵列显示数据丢失
您的问题描述不是 100% 清楚,但这里有一些建议:
1.) 不要重新发明轮子。对于像旋转像素这样的事情,有标准的解决方案。使用它们!在这种情况下
- 指定旋转的齐次坐标矩阵
- 最近邻插值(下面代码中的参数
2.) 不要在不必要的地方循环。通过不处理非正像素获得的速度与循环损失的速度没有任何关系。在手写 python 代码赶上它们之前,编译函数可以绕过很多冗余零。
3.) 不要指望一对一映射像素的解决方案,因为事实是有些点不是最近邻点,有些点与多个其他点最近邻。考虑到这一点,您可能需要考虑更高阶、更平滑的插值。
代码(没有绘图)。请注意,我必须转置和 flipud
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage as sim
from scipy import stats
def mock_data(n, Theta=50, put_neg=True):
y, x = np.ogrid[-20:20:1j*n, -9:3:1j*n, ]
raster = stats.norm.pdf(y)*stats.norm.pdf(x)
if put_neg:
y, x = np.ogrid[-5:5:1j*n, -3:9:1j*n, ]
raster -= stats.norm.pdf(y)*stats.norm.pdf(x)
raster -= (stats.norm.pdf(y)*stats.norm.pdf(x)).T
return {'C': raster * 1e-9, 'Theta': Theta}
def rotmat(Theta, offset=None):
theta = np.radians(Theta)
c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
if offset is None:
return np.array([[c, -s] [s, c]])
R = np.array([[c, -s, 0], [s, c,0], [0,0,1]])
to, fro = np.identity(3), np.identity(3)
offset = np.asanyarray(offset)
to[:2, 2] = offset
fro[:2, 2] = -offset
return to @ R @ fro
def f_pp(C, Theta):
m, n = C.shape
clipped = np.maximum(0, 1e9 * data['C'])
clipped[:, :n//2] = 0
M = rotmat(Theta, ((m-1)/2, (n-1)/2))
return sim.affine_transform(clipped, M, order = 0)
def linear2D_rotation(xcoord,ycoord,azimuth_degrees):
radians = (90 - azimuth_degrees) * (np.pi / 180) # in radians
xcoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.cos(radians)) - (ycoord * np.sin(radians))
ycoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.sin(radians)) + (ycoord * np.cos(radians))
return xcoord_rotated,ycoord_rotated
def f_OP(C, Theta):
kernel = np.zeros_like(C)
m, n = C.shape
for Y in range(m):
for X in range(n):
if X > n//2:
c = C[Y, X] * 1e9
if c > 1e-12:
dx = X - n//2 + 1
dy = Y - m//2 + 1
X_rot, Y_rot = linear2D_rotation(xcoord=dx, ycoord=dy,azimuth_degrees=Theta)
X2 = int(round(n//2+X_rot))
Y2 = int(round(m//2-Y_rot)) # Y increases downwards
# pixels that fall out of bounds -> ignore
if (X2 > (n - 1)) or (X2 < 0) or (Y2 > (m - 1)):
# replace new pixel position in kernel array
kernel[Y2, X2] = c
return kernel
n = 100
data = mock_data(n, 70)
首先计算沿 x 轴的风向的浓度,然后使用围绕我的阵列中心点(烟囱位置)的二维线性旋转将所有点的浓度转换为它们的旋转位置> 0。 旋转公式的输入 X、Y 是像素索引。
谁能帮我找到解决问题的方法?如果可能的话,我想使用 numpy 或最少的软件包来解决这个问题...
我的脚本中处理计算浓度和将像素旋转 50°N 的部分如下。谢谢你的帮助。
def linear2D_rotation(xcoord,ycoord,azimuth_degrees):
radians = (90 - azimuth_degrees) * (np.pi / 180) # in radians
xcoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.cos(radians)) - (ycoord * np.sin(radians))
ycoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.sin(radians)) + (ycoord * np.cos(radians))
return xcoord_rotated,ycoord_rotated
u_orient = 50 # wind orientation in degres from North
kernel = np.zeros((NpixelY, NpixelX)) # initialize matrix
Yc = int((NpixelY - 1) / 2) # position of central pixel
Xc = int((NpixelX - 1) / 2) # position of central pixel
nk = 0
for Y in list(range(0,NpixelX)):
for X in list(range(0,NpixelY)):
# compute concentrations only in positive x-direction
if (X-Xc)>0:
# nnumber of pixels to origin point (chimney)
dx = ((X-Xc)+1)
dy = ((Y-Yc)+1)
# distance of point to origin (chimney)
DX = dx*pixel_size_X
DY = dy*pixel_size_Y
# compute diffusivity coefficients
Sy, Sz = calcul_diffusivity_coeff(DX, stability_class)
# concentration at ground level below the centerline of the plume
C = (Q / (2 * np.pi * u * Sy * Sz)) * \
np.exp(-(DY / (2 * Sy)) ** 2) * \
(np.exp(-((Z - H) / (2 * Sz)) ** 2) + np.exp(-((Z + H) / (2 * Sz)) ** 2)) # at point away from center line
C = C * 1e9 # convert MBq to Bq
# rotate only if concentration value at pixel is positive
if C > 1e-12:
X_rot, Y_rot = linear2D_rotation(xcoord=dx, ycoord=dy,azimuth_degrees=u_orient)
X2 = int(round(Xc+X_rot))
Y2 = int(round(Yc-Y_rot)) # Y increases downwards
# pixels that fall out of bounds -> ignore
if (X2 > (NpixelX - 1)) or (X2 < 0) or (Y2 > (NpixelY - 1)):
# replace new pixel position in kernel array
kernel[Y2, X2] = C
旋转 40°N 的阵列显示数据丢失
您的问题描述不是 100% 清楚,但这里有一些建议:
1.) 不要重新发明轮子。对于像旋转像素这样的事情,有标准的解决方案。使用它们!在这种情况下
执行旋转- 指定旋转的齐次坐标矩阵
- 最近邻插值(下面代码中的参数
2.) 不要在不必要的地方循环。通过不处理非正像素获得的速度与循环损失的速度没有任何关系。在手写 python 代码赶上它们之前,编译函数可以绕过很多冗余零。
3.) 不要指望一对一映射像素的解决方案,因为事实是有些点不是最近邻点,有些点与多个其他点最近邻。考虑到这一点,您可能需要考虑更高阶、更平滑的插值。
代码(没有绘图)。请注意,我必须转置和 flipud
import numpy as np
from scipy import ndimage as sim
from scipy import stats
def mock_data(n, Theta=50, put_neg=True):
y, x = np.ogrid[-20:20:1j*n, -9:3:1j*n, ]
raster = stats.norm.pdf(y)*stats.norm.pdf(x)
if put_neg:
y, x = np.ogrid[-5:5:1j*n, -3:9:1j*n, ]
raster -= stats.norm.pdf(y)*stats.norm.pdf(x)
raster -= (stats.norm.pdf(y)*stats.norm.pdf(x)).T
return {'C': raster * 1e-9, 'Theta': Theta}
def rotmat(Theta, offset=None):
theta = np.radians(Theta)
c, s = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)
if offset is None:
return np.array([[c, -s] [s, c]])
R = np.array([[c, -s, 0], [s, c,0], [0,0,1]])
to, fro = np.identity(3), np.identity(3)
offset = np.asanyarray(offset)
to[:2, 2] = offset
fro[:2, 2] = -offset
return to @ R @ fro
def f_pp(C, Theta):
m, n = C.shape
clipped = np.maximum(0, 1e9 * data['C'])
clipped[:, :n//2] = 0
M = rotmat(Theta, ((m-1)/2, (n-1)/2))
return sim.affine_transform(clipped, M, order = 0)
def linear2D_rotation(xcoord,ycoord,azimuth_degrees):
radians = (90 - azimuth_degrees) * (np.pi / 180) # in radians
xcoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.cos(radians)) - (ycoord * np.sin(radians))
ycoord_rotated = (xcoord * np.sin(radians)) + (ycoord * np.cos(radians))
return xcoord_rotated,ycoord_rotated
def f_OP(C, Theta):
kernel = np.zeros_like(C)
m, n = C.shape
for Y in range(m):
for X in range(n):
if X > n//2:
c = C[Y, X] * 1e9
if c > 1e-12:
dx = X - n//2 + 1
dy = Y - m//2 + 1
X_rot, Y_rot = linear2D_rotation(xcoord=dx, ycoord=dy,azimuth_degrees=Theta)
X2 = int(round(n//2+X_rot))
Y2 = int(round(m//2-Y_rot)) # Y increases downwards
# pixels that fall out of bounds -> ignore
if (X2 > (n - 1)) or (X2 < 0) or (Y2 > (m - 1)):
# replace new pixel position in kernel array
kernel[Y2, X2] = c
return kernel
n = 100
data = mock_data(n, 70)