
Regex to match a particular word followed by another, along with a boundary identifier

我正在 Python 中进行正则表达式匹配。我尝试遵循一些组合但没有用。我对正则表达式完全陌生。我的问题是,我的字符串如下。

string = ''' World is moving towards a particular point'''

我想要一个解决方案来检查单词 "towards" 是否紧跟在单词 "moving" 之后,如果是,我想 select 该行的其余部分(在 'towards' ) 直到它以 '.' 结尾或“-”。我是新手。请提供一些好的建议。

您需要使用 negative-look around 。但是当你的字符串中有 .- 时它会起作用,如果你没有,你可以使用 @nu11p01n73R 的答案。 :

>>> string = ''' World is moving towards a particular point.'''
>>> re.search(r'(?<=moving towards).*(?=\.|-)',string).group(0)
' a particular point'

(?<=moving towards).*为负数look-behind匹配moving towards


(?=\.|-)' 是负数 look-behind 匹配所有之前 (\.|-) 这意味着 .-

Debuggex Demo


re.findall (r'(?<=moving towards )[^-.]*', string)
['a particular point']
  • (?<=moving towards ) 看看后面的断言。断言字符串前面有 moving towards

  • [^-.]* 匹配 -.

  • 以外的任何内容


World is moving towards a particular point
     (?<=moving towards ) #checks if this position is presceded by moving towards 
                          #yes, hence proceeds with the rest of the regex pattern

World is moving towards a particular point

World is moving towards a particular point

# and so on

World is moving towards a particular point

Regex Demo

import re
str = ''' World is moving towards a particular point'''
match = re.search('moving towards\s+([^.-]+)', str)
if match:
   var = match.group(1)

Output >>> a particular point     



要重复这个问题,您要检查给定的 string 中单词 "moving" 是否后跟 "towards"。这是使用 parse 模块执行此操作的方法:

import parse
string = "World is moving towards a particular point"

fmt = "moving {:w}"

result = parse.search(fmt, string)

assert result[0] == "towards"

请注意,:w 格式规范会导致结果匹配字母和下划线。