使用 Google API 搜索服务区域商家

Searching for service area businesses using Google API

我在网络应用程序上创建了一个 Google 地图,这样我的用户就可以搜索他们的商家,
这是我服务器上地图的 link:My Map
这是 link 到 Google 地图:Google Map

Places API 用户无法使用服务区商家,这是 Google 的决定。有一个在 Places API 中启用 SAB 的功能请求,但不幸的是 Google 拒绝了它。



The Places API team has reviewed this feature request and decided against including Service Area Businesses results in API responses.

Places API mission is to enable developers to help users find relevant places to visit. Since Service Area Businesses are not places users can visit, and therefore do not belong in the Places API.

The ability to find Service Area Businesses have been removed from https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-placeid-finder to be consistent with the funtionality generally available in the Places API. Google My Business users can still find Place IDs for their Service Area Businesses using a dedicated PlaceID Lookup Tool at https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/faq#associate_locations_using_placeid_1

We do acknowledge there is demand for this feature and will look into accommodating it in the future. To this end, we would appreciate if you shared specific use cases and business needs that this feature would enable for you.

参考 Google 我的企业查找地点 ID 页面,他们使用自己的 Cloud 项目提供此功能,但 Google 地图 API 用户无法获得这个。
