
list with matrices times always the same vector

我正在处理消费者价格指数 CPI,为了计算它,我必须将指数矩阵乘以相应的权重:

grossCPI77_10 <- grossIND1977 %*% weights1910/100 
grossCPI82_10 <- grossIND1982 %*% weights1910/100 


grossIND1982 <- replicate(20, cbind(1:61))
grossIND1993 <- replicate(20, cbind(1:61))
weights1910_sc <- c(1:20)
grossIND_list <- mget(ls(pattern = "grossIND...."))
totalCPI <- mapply("*", grossIND_list, weights1910_sc) 

问题是它给了我一个 1200x20 的矩阵。我期望正常矩阵 (61x20) 向量 (20x1) 乘法应该产生 20x1 向量?你能解释一下我做错了什么吗?谢谢


#instead of using mget, I recommend to use a list structure
#otherwise you might capture other variables with similar names
#that you do not want
INDlist <- sapply(c("1990", "1991"), function(x) {

  #this is how to set up a matrix correctly, check `?matrix`
  #I think your combination of cbind and rep did not give you what you wanted
  matrix(rep(1:61, 20), nrow = 61)

}, USE.NAMES = TRUE, simplify = F)

weights <- list(c(1:20))

#the first argument of mapply needs to be a function, in this case of two variables
#the body of the function calculates the cross product
#you feed the arguments (both lists) in the following part of mapply
#I have repeated your weights, but you might assign different weights for each year
res <- mapply(function(x, y) {x %*% y}, INDlist, rep(weights, length(INDlist)))
#[1] 61  2

你的部分问题是你没有矩阵,而是 3D 数组,只有一个维度。另一个问题是 mapply 喜欢尝试将结果组合成一个矩阵,而且常量参数应该通过 MoreArgs 传递。但实际上,lapply.

grossIND1982 <- replicate(20, cbind(1:61))[,1,]
grossIND1993 <- replicate(20, cbind(1:61))[,1,]
weights1910_sc <- c(1:20)
grossIND_list <- mget(ls(pattern = "grossIND...."))
totalCPI <- mapply("*", grossIND_list, MoreArgs=list(e2 = weights1910_sc), SIMPLIFY = FALSE) 

totalCPI <- lapply(grossIND_list, "*",  e2 = weights1910_sc)