Docker 在 Mac 2010 年之前?

Docker on Mac pre-2010?

在没有英特尔对 MMU 虚拟化的硬件支持的 Mac 上,是否有为 OSX 安装 Docker 的解决方法?

如果没有,是否有创建容器的解决方法,例如Python 脚本和库?

更新 2019 年第一季度,Antonio Linares Cañas mentions

"Enable VT-X on Mac Pro (Early 2008) - KVM" 来自 GeorgeStyles,带有一个程序会告诉您 MSR 的状态(制造商特定在所有内核上注册),如果它已解锁并关闭,将尝试打开 VTX 并将其锁定。

另见 msrtool or voltageshift

cd /Applications/voltageshift 
sudo chmod -R 755 VoltageShift.kext 
sudo chown -R root:wheel VoltageShift.kext 
sudo ./voltageshift read 0x3a 
a value of 0x5 means: ON-cero-LOCKED   

2017 年 12 月的原始答案:

我不知道有什么解决方法,但是 mentioned here:

On OS X, the way of knowing if your CPU complies with all the Hypervisor.framework requirements is by checking the value of the sysctl kern.hv_support key.

$ sysctl kern.hv_support
kern.hv_support: 1

If it is 1, then your CPU is supported.
If it is 0, it means the Hypervisor.framework cannot be used with your CPU, for a reason or another.

same thread adds:

My CPU supports all virtualization, including EPT, VT-d and VT-x:

The problem is that the BIOS setting is set by default to '0' or 'disabled' instead of '1' or 'enabled'

There is a HUGE user group that this is affecting but most have no idea how to check so it doesn't get reported - millions of laptops/desktops sold over many years are experiencing this.

There has to be a way to change the BIOS setting from 0 to 1.