Android Stripe 支付:用户邮箱?

Android Stripe Payment: user email?

在实施 Stripe in our clients we found that the web widget Stripe Checkout asks for the user email, as you can see in the first image. This email information is needed because Stripe sends emails about the payment to the customers. But when implementing the widget of Stripe Android Integration 时,它不会要求提供电子邮件,如您在第二张图片中所见。我们如何以及在哪里可以在 Android 应用程序中将电子邮件发送到 Stripe?

您实际上需要单独收集电子邮件。创建费用时,您可以将其作为与会话关联的 receipt_email 参数 [1][2]. If you're using a CustomerSession [3], the email should also be associated with the Customer [4] 传递。
