有什么方法可以在 google 方向 api 中获取从源到目的地的一系列地理点?

Is there any method to get a series of geopoints from source to destination in google directions api?


确实,您可以在路线 API 中获取构成路线的 LatLng 列表。如果检查 documentation 的响应格式,您会看到每条路线中都有 legs[] 数组,轮流每条腿有 steps[] 数组,最后每一步都有 polyline 属性。根据文档

polyline contains a single points object that holds an encoded polyline representation of the step. This polyline is an approximate (smoothed) path of the step.

我们的想法是获得响应,将其解析为 JSON 对象并通过路段和步长为路线创建循环。您应该解码步骤的每条折线 属性 并将生成的 LatLng 添加到您的列表中。


Google 地图 Web 服务的 Java 客户端库可能是实现它的最简单方法。代码片段可能如下

//Define list to get all latlng for the route
List<LatLng> path = new ArrayList();

//Execute Directions API request
GeoApiContext context = new GeoApiContext.Builder()
DirectionsApiRequest req = DirectionsApi.getDirections(context, "41.385064,2.173403", "40.416775,-3.70379");
try {
    DirectionsResult res = req.await();

    //Loop through legs and steps to get encoded polylines of each step
    if (res.routes != null && res.routes.length > 0) {
        DirectionsRoute route = res.routes[0];

        if (route.legs !=null) {
            for(int i=0; i<route.legs.length; i++) {
                DirectionsLeg leg = route.legs[i];
                if (leg.steps != null) {
                    for (int j=0; j<leg.steps.length;j++){
                        DirectionsStep step = leg.steps[j];
                        if (step.steps != null && step.steps.length >0) {
                            for (int k=0; k<step.steps.length;k++){
                                DirectionsStep step1 = step.steps[k];
                                EncodedPolyline points1 = step1.polyline;
                                if (points1 != null) {
                                    //Decode polyline and add points to list of route coordinates
                                    List<com.google.maps.model.LatLng> coords1 = points1.decodePath();
                                    for (com.google.maps.model.LatLng coord1 : coords1) {
                                        path.add(new LatLng(coord1.lat, coord1.lng));
                        } else {
                            EncodedPolyline points = step.polyline;
                            if (points != null) {
                                //Decode polyline and add points to list of route coordinates
                                List<com.google.maps.model.LatLng> coords = points.decodePath();
                                for (com.google.maps.model.LatLng coord : coords) {
                                    path.add(new LatLng(coord.lat, coord.lng));
} catch(Exception ex) {
    Log.e(TAG, ex.getLocalizedMessage());

//Draw the polyline
if (path.size() > 0) {
    PolylineOptions opts = new PolylineOptions().addAll(path).color(Color.BLUE).width(5);

您可以从 https://github.com/xomena-so/so47492459


别忘了用你的替换 API 键。
