测试 class Apex 触发更新

Test class for Apex Trigger for update

我是 Apex Development 的新手。我想为我的 Apex 触发器编写一个测试类。


trigger ClosedOpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (before update) {
    for(Opportunity o:Trigger.New) {
        if(o.Probability==100 && o.Invoiced__c == true)
            Attachment a = new Attachment();
            try {
                a = [Select Id, Name from Attachment where ParentId =:o.Id];
            catch(Exception e) {
                a = null;
            if (a == null)
                o.addError('Add an attachment before you close the Opportunity');

有两件事需要完成:- 1. 在 'Opportunity' 对象中创建一条记录。使用代码更新它。 2. 创建附件。这里是link供大家参考


public static void testmethod(){

opportunity opp = new opportunity()
//change whatever fields u need to make probability 100%
opp.stage = 'Closed Won';
opp.Invoiced__c == true;


insert opp
catch(Exception e){

string errormessage = e.getMessage();

//now that u know how to do it, do a positive test where you also add an          
//as a side note, your catch block will never fire, because you aren't     
//catching any exceptions you are just getting a null string