Symfony Lock 组件不锁定——如何解决?

Symfony Lock Component does not lock – how to fix?

我最近升级到 Symfony 3。4.x,由于弃用警告重构 LockHandler 并陷入奇怪的行为。


class FooCommand
    protected function configure() { /* ... does not matter ... */ }
    protected function lock() : bool
        $resource = $this->getName();
        $lock     = new \Symfony\Component\Filesystem\LockHandler($resource);

        return $lock->lock();
    protected function execute()
        if (!$this->lock()) return 0;

        // Execute some task

并且它可以防止 运行 同时执行两个命令——第二个命令没有执行就完成了。不错。

但在建议的重构之后,它允许同时 运行 多个命令。这是失败。如何防止执行?新代码:

class FooCommand
    protected function configure() { /* ... does not matter ... */ }
    protected function lock() : bool
        $resource = $this->getName();
        $store    = new \Symfony\Component\Lock\FlockStore(sys_get_temp_dir());
        $factory  = new \Symfony\Component\Lock\Factory($store);
        $lock     = $factory->createLock($resource);

        return $lock->acquire();
    protected function execute()
        if (!$this->lock()) return 0;

        // Execute some task


注意 #2:如果进程被终止,则新命令必须解锁并且 运行。

您必须使用 LockableTrait 特性

    use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\LockableTrait;
    use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command

    class FooCommand  extends Command
        use LockableTrait;
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        if (!$this->lock()) {
            $output->writeln('The command is already running in another process.');

            return 0;
// If you prefer to wait until the lock is released, use this:
        // $this->lock(null, true);

        // ...

        // if not released explicitly, Symfony releases the lock
        // automatically when the execution of the command ends


添加到 Mohamed 的回答中,为命令锁分配一个 id 很重要。


此 ID 可以在 lock() 语句本身上分配。

    use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\LockableTrait;
    use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command

    class FooCommand  extends Command
       use LockableTrait;
       protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
         if (!$this->lock('FooCommand'.getenv('APP_ENV'))) {
            $output->writeln('The command is already running in another process.');
            return 0;
