使用 Reflection.PropertyInfo

using Reflection.PropertyInfo

我需要遍历对象的属性并为每个属性设置 2 个值。


 Class car
  Property Wheel1 As Wheel
  Property Wheel2 As Wheel
  Property Wheel3 As Wheel
  Property Wheel4 As Wheel
 End Class


 Class Wheel
  Property size As Integer
  Property type As Integer
 End Class

有没有办法动态循环一个有轮子的对象并将其所有轮子设置为 size=5 和 type=1。


 Dim ThisCar As New car
  Dim Wheels() As Reflection.PropertyInfo = ThisCar.GetType().GetProperties()
  Dim i As Integer = 0
  Do Until i = Wheels.Count
   Dim TempWheel As Reflection.PropertyInfo = Wheels(i)

   Dim WheelProps() As Reflection.PropertyInfo = TempWheel.GetType().GetProperties()

   i = i + 1

WheelProps 不是所需的属性...

你应该使用 TempWheel.PropertyType() 而不是 TempWheel.GetType() 或者你只是像这样设置轮子:

foreach(var pInfo in typeof(car).GetProperties()
  if(pInfo.PropertyType == typeof(Wheel))
    // Get the value of existing wheel
    var wheel = (Wheel)pInfo.GetValue(ThisCar);

    // Set the value of wheel
    wheel.size = 5;
    wheel.type = 1;

    //pInfo.SetValue(ThisCar, new Wheel() {size = 5, type = 1}, null);

但是为什么不实现带有 List<Wheel> 的汽车呢?