OPENDCL (AUTOCAD):如果按下 [ENTER],避免退出无模式对话框

OPENDCL (AUTOCAD): avoid exiting modeless dialog if [ENTER] is pressed

我正在寻找一种方法来避免在按下 [ENTER] 时退出 autocad 中的无模式对话框(由 opendcl 创建)。


谢谢, 丹尼斯

我已经为 OpenDCL 网格系统实现了这样的功能。您必须激活表单上的 OnCancelClose 函数。我是这样做的:

(defun c:MyFunction_Form1_OnCancelClose (Reason /)
    ;; Reason = 0 when Enter is pressed
    (if (= Reason 0)
            ;; Shift active editing cell one row down
            (setq rowAndCol(dcl_Grid_GetCurCell MyFunction_Form1_revisions))
            (dcl_Grid_StartCellEdit MyFunction_Form1_revisions (1+ (car rowAndCol)) (cadr rowAndCol))

    ;; Reason = 1 when ESC key is pressed, or the closing button in the titlebar
    ;; is clicked. Hence, enter won't work to cancel the dialog
    (/= Reason 1)