spacy 中的句子标记化很糟糕(?)

Sentence tokenization in spacy is bad (?)

为什么 spacy 作品中的句子 splitter/tokenizer 不好? nltk 似乎工作正常。这是我的小经验:

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('fr')
import nltk

text_fr = u"Je suis parti a la boulangerie. J'ai achete trois croissants. C'etait super bon."

# [u'Je suis parti a la boulangerie.',
# u"J'ai achete trois croissants.",
# u"C'etait super bon."

doc = nlp(text_fr)
for s in doc.sents: print s
# Je suis parti
# a la boulangerie. J'ai
# achete trois croissants. C'
# etait super bon.


text = u"I went to the library. I did not know what book to buy, but then the lady working there helped me. It was cool. I discovered a lot of new things."

我喜欢 spacy(在 nlp=spacy.load('en') 之后):

went to the library. I
did not know what book to buy, but
then the lady working there helped me. It was cool. I discovered a
lot of new things.

与看起来不错的 nltk 对比:

[u'I went to the library.',
 u'I did not know what book to buy, but then the lady working there helped me.',
 u'It was cool.',
 u'I discovered a lot of new things.']

我现在不知道如何,但事实证明我使用的是旧版本的 spacy (v 0.100)。我又安装了最新的spacy (v2.0.4) 现在分句更连贯了