在缓慢的网络中,在 Azure 服务器中上传视频文件抛出 Timeoutexception

In slow network uploading video file in azure server throwing Timeoutexception

我正在尝试在 azure 上上传 10-11 MB 的视频文件 server.It 在 4g 或 wifi 上工作正常 network.But 它在 3g 或 2g 网络上抛出以下错误。

java.io.IOException: The client could not finish the operation within specified maximum execution timeout. Please see the cause for further information..


try {
            // Setup the cloud storage account.
            CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount

            // Create a blob service client
            CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.createCloudBlobClient();
            BlobRequestOptions uploadOptions = new BlobRequestOptions();
            RetryPolicy retryPolicy=new RetryExponentialRetry(
                    60000 /* minBackoff in milliseconds */,
                    30000 /* delatBackoff in milliseconds */,
                    180000 /* maxBackoff in milliseconds */,
                    3 /* maxAttempts */);
            // Get a reference to a container
            // The container name must be lower case
            // Append a random UUID to the end of the container name so that
            // this sample can be run more than once in quick succession.
            CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.getContainerReference("videos");

            // Create the container if it does not exist

            // Make the container public
            // Create a permissions object
            BlobContainerPermissions containerPermissions = new BlobContainerPermissions();
            OperationContext opContext = new OperationContext();
            StorageEventMultiCaster storageEventMultiCaster = new StorageEventMultiCaster<>();

            // Include public access in the permissions object
            storageEventMultiCaster.addListener(new StorageEvent<SendingRequestEvent>() {

                public void eventOccurred(SendingRequestEvent eventArg) {

                    // Do custom monitoring here...
            // Set the permissions on the container
            CloudBlockBlob blob = container.getBlockBlobReference(file.getName());

            byte[] buffer = IOUtils.toByteArray(new FileInputStream(file));
            ByteArrayInputStream  inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer);
            blob.upload(inputStream, inputStream.available(),null,uploadOptions,opContext);
            String url = blob.getUri().toString();
                    } catch (Throwable t) {


我正在使用 com.microsoft.azure.android:azure-storage-android:2.0.0@aar 库。


BlobRequestOptions 有一个名为 singleBlobPutThresholdInBytes 的 属性,它确定在上传时是否应将 blob 分成块。如果您不指定值,默认值为 32 MB 即正在上传的任何文件,如果其大小小于 32 MB,则将不分块上传。

由于您提到文件大小为 10-11 MB,小于此 32 MB 限制,SDK 正在尝试一次性上传文件。由于 Internet 连接速度较慢,请求在尝试上传如此庞大的数据时超时。

您可以做的是将其值更改为较小的大小。该值应大于 1 MB 但小于 32 MB。然后你的文件将以块的形式上传,你不应该得到这个超时错误(希望如此)。要设置该值,您可以添加以下代码行:
