Application Insight 如何跟踪 User_Id?

How is Application insight tracking the User_Id?

我是 运行 具有应用程序洞察力的 Azure Webapp。


我有一个访客 client_id="h9zbt" 在过去的 24 小时内使用了 48 个不同的 client_IP 地址。


我想在我的网站上屏蔽这个 IP,但我觉得这看起来很奇怪。


Application Insight 如何跟踪 User_Id?

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User IDs should persist across user sessions to track how users behave over time. There are various approaches for persisting the ID.

A definition of a user that you already have in your service.
If the service has access to a browser, it can pass the browser a cookie with an ID in it. The ID will persist for as long as the cookie

remains in the user's browser. If necessary, you can use a new ID each session, but the results about users will be limited. For example, you won't be able to see how a user's behavior changes over time.

The ID should be a Guid or another string complex enough to identify each user uniquely. For example, it could be a long random number.

If the ID contains personally identifying information about the user, it is not an appropriate value to send to Application Insights as a user ID. You can send such an ID as an authenticated user ID, but it does not fulfill the user ID requirement for usage scenarios.

Azure 文档中提到。

通常应用程序洞察会自动为每个用户自动打开一个会话(查找 ai_session 键)。因此,默认用户范围将是会话范围。

如果您有某种登录方式,您可以通过发送用户上下文来覆盖此行为。 (

我发现它很可能是同一设备上的同一用户,只是使用了几个 IP 地址,可能是保持匿名的不成功尝试。