使用 Poco 迭代 json 结构

Iterate on json structure with Poco

我正在为 C++ 代码使用 Poco 库

这是我必须解析的 json 树的示例

    "name" : "actionToDo",
    "description" : "",
    "version" : "1",
    "parameters" : {
        "inputDirectory" : "string",
        "workingDir" : "string",
        "tempDir" : "string",
        "size" : "integer"

"parameters" 字段中的数据量可以更改。 我必须将所有项目放入地图


std:: map<std::string, std::string> output;

Poco::JSON::Parser sparser;
Poco::Dynamic::Var result = sparser.parse(jsonStr);
Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr object = result.extract<Poco::JSON::Object::Ptr>();
Poco::DynamicStruct ds = *object;

Poco::Dynamic::Var collection(ds["parameters"]);

if (collection.isStruct())
     LOG("STRUCT"); //it's logged !!

for (Poco::Dynamic::VarIterator it = collection.begin(); it != collection.end(); ++it)
    LOG_F("item : %s", it->toString()); //never logged
    //here I would like to have something like
    //output[it->first()] = it->second();



14:13:00'900 : : [Notice] : STRUCT

14:13:00'900 : : [Critical] : Exception : Exception: Unable to load Run from file : /opt/.../file.json Exception: Unable to parse field 'parameters' or its children

Invalid access: Not a struct.

"Unable to parse field 'parameters' or its children" 由下面的捕获生成,但 "Invalid access: Not a struct." 来自 Poco


Poco::DynamicStruct collection = ds["parameters"].extract<Poco::DynamicStruct>();

for (auto it = collection.begin(); it != collection.end(); ++it)
    LOG_F("item : %s", it->second.toString().c_str());