Return if-else lambda表达式的类型推导

Return type deduction of lambda expressions of if-else statements

我正在阅读 C++ primer 第 5 版第 10 章(lambda 表达式),这是一个旨在用绝对值替换向量中的负值的程序。

transform(vi.begin(), vi.end(), vi.begin(),
      [](int i) { if (i < 0) return -i; else return i; });


This code won't compile because the lambda infers the return type as void but we returned a value and to fix this, we must use a trailing return type.

但是当我在 Windows 上使用 GNU GCC 编译器编译这段代码时,它运行良好。


This version compile because we need not specify the return type, because that type can be inferred from the type of the conditional operator.

transform(vi.begin(), vi.end(), vi.begin(),
          [](int i) { return i < 0 ? -i : i; });



... the return type of the closure's operator() is determined according to the following rules:

  • if the body consists of nothing but a single return statement with an expression, the return type is the type of the returned expression (after lvalue-to-rvalue, array-to-pointer, or function-to-pointer implicit conversion); otherwise, the return type is void. (until C++14)

  • The return type is deduced from return statements as if for a function whose return type is declared auto. (since C++14)
