vue-test-utils:Vue 子组件方法 "is not a function"

vue-test-utils: Vue child-component method "is not a function"

在此测试中,我只是试图断言 end 属性 已在被测组件 (DateRangeEditor) 上设置。该组件假定 this.$refs.datepickerHotelDatepicker 的一个实例,并调用它的 setCheckOutsetCheckIn 方法(如果有更好的方法,请告诉我!)。 =24=]

该组件在浏览器中正常加载时可以正常工作,但我对 setEndDate 的测试失败并显示 "TypeError: this.$refs.datepicker.setCheckIn is not a function"。

我是不是误解了设置 stubs 选项应该做什么? 我认为这样的场景,调用代码只需要调用存根函数并且不需要特定的结果,这正是存根的用途。是我用错了吗?


import { mount, shallow } from 'vue-test-utils'
import DateRangeEditor from '../../assets/src/components/DateRangeEditor.vue'

describe('DateRangeEditor', () => {

  describe('@checkOutChanged', () => {
    it('sets a new end date', () => {
      const wrapper = shallow(DateRangeEditor, {
        stubs: ['datepicker']

      // simulate user changing the end date
      const date = new Date(2017, 11, 1)
      wrapper.vm.$refs.datepicker.$emit('checkOutChanged', date)


  describe('@checkInChanged', () => {
    it('sets a new start date', () => {
      const wrapper = shallow(DateRangeEditor, {
        stubs: ['datepicker']

      // simulate user changing the start date
      const date = new Date(2017, 11, 1)
      wrapper.vm.$refs.datepicker.$emit('checkInChanged', date)


这是我的(大大简化的)DateRangeEditor 组件:

  <div class="date-range-editor-container">
    <button type="button" @click="save" class="btn save-btn">Save</button>
    <button type="button" @click="cancel" class="btn cancel-btn">Cancel</button>

import HotelDatePicker from 'vue-hotel-datepicker'

export default {
  methods: {
    setStartDate: function(newDate) {
      if (newDate) {
        // make sure newDate has an hour component
        newDate.setHours((new Date()).getHours())
        this.start = newDate
    setEndDate: function(newDate) {
      if (newDate) {
        // make sure newDate has an hour component
        newDate.setHours((new Date()).getHours())
        this.end = newDate
    save: function() {
      this.$emit('save', this.$data)
    cancel: function() {
      this.$emit('cancel', this.$data)
  data: function() {
    return {
      start: '',
      end: '',
  components: {
    datepicker: HotelDatePicker,


最后,这是我的 setup.js bootstrap 文件:

/* globals global */
const chai    = require('chai')
const sinon   = require('sinon')

// use Sinon test spies/stubs/mocks in all tests

// expose libs to all tests
global.chai     = chai
global.sinon    = sinon
global.expect   = chai.expect

版本 n 东西

stubs 替换子组件方法。这就是您收到错误的原因。

如果要检查是否正在调用某个方法,可以使用这些方法创建一个组件并将其传递到 stubs 选项中。

const datepicker = {
    setCheckIn: () => {},
    setCheckOutDate: () => {},
    render: () => {}

it('sets a new end date', () => {
  const wrapper = shallow(DateRangeEditor, {
    stubs: {

  const date = new Date(2017, 11, 1)
  wrapper.vm.$refs.datepicker.$emit('checkOutChanged', date)