Elixir 报价 vs 逃生

Elixir quote vs escape

在 Elixir 中,什么时候应该使用 Macro.escape/1 而不是 quote/1?我查看了 beginner's guide,但没有帮助。

quote/2 returns the abstract syntax tree (AST) of the passed in code block.

Macro.escape/2 returns 传入的AST value.


iex(1)> a = %{"apple": 12, "banana": 90}
%{apple: 12, banana: 90}

iex(2)> b = quote do: a
{:a, [], Elixir}

iex(3)> c = Macro.escape(a)
{:%{}, [], [apple: 12, banana: 90]}

quote/2 将保留原始变量 a,而 Macro.escape/2 会将 a 的值注入返回的变量AST.

iex(4)> Macro.to_string(b) |> Code.eval_string

  warning: variable "a"  does  not exist and is being
  expanded to "a()", please use parentheses to remove
  the ambiguity or change the variable name

iex(5)> Macro.to_string(c) |> Code.eval_string
{%{apple: 12, banana: 90}, []}

iex(6)> Macro.to_string(b) |> Code.eval_string([a: "testvalue"])
{"testvalue", [a: "testvalue"]}


iex(1)> a = %{"apple": 12, "banana": 90}
%{apple: 12, banana: 90}

iex(3)> Macro.escape(a)
{:%{}, [], [apple: 12, banana: 90]}

iex(2)> quote do: %{"apple": 12, "banana": 90}
{:%{}, [], [apple: 12, banana: 90]}