
Why does the name of an implicit seem to affect its scope resolution in this example?

我正在为 java.io.File 编写一个简单的 JSON 序列化程序,只是为了简化路径:

import java.io.File

import play.api.libs.json._
import Implicits.File._

object Implicits {
  object File {
    implicit val format: Format[File] = new Format[File] {
      override def writes(o: File): JsValue = JsString(o.toString)
      override def reads(js: JsValue): JsResult[File] = js.validate[String].map(f => new File(f))

final case class Bar(path: File) 

object Bar {
  implicit val format: Format[Bar] = Json.format


No instance of play.api.libs.json.Format is available for java.io.File in the implicit scope

但是,如果我将 Implicit.File.format 的名称更改为 Implicit.File.fmt,它可以正常工作。

为什么名称在这种情况下会发生冲突,而隐式作用域解析器应该关心的 类型 Format[File]

我正在使用 play-json 2.6.7.

Why does the name collide in this case when it should be the type, Format[File], that the implicit scope resolver should care about?


The actual arguments that are eligible to be passed to an implicit parameter of type T fall into two categories. First, eligible are all identifiers x that can be accessed at the point of the method call without a prefix and that denote an implicit definition or an implicit parameter. An eligible identifier may thus be a local name, or a member of an enclosing template, or it may be have been made accessible without a prefix through an import clause.

implicit val format: Format[Bar] = Json.format 行,format 表示 Bar.format 而不是 Implicits.File.format,因此 Implicits.File.format 不符合此规则的隐含条件。而且它不在伴生对象中,因此也不在第二类中。