
Build a N depth structure for a series of validation results in C#


我有以下一组 ValidationResult 数据。这是 List<ValidationResult>


实际上包含两种类型。我做了一个自定义验证结果,实现 ValidationResult 来收集模型中的所有错误。所以这组数据其实有两类数据。一个是 ValidationResult,另一个是 CustomValidationResult

[0] { "Name Field shouldn't be null" }
[1] { "Money Field should be in range 0 and 100" }
[2] { "Validation failed at CompanyList" } // This is CustomValidationResult
  ㄴ [0] { "CompanyName Field shouldn't be null" } // ValidationResult inside of CustomValidationResult.
  ㄴ [1] { "Validation failed at DepartmentList" } // Belows are same as above
       ㄴ [0] { "DepartmentName Field shouldn't be null" }
       ㄴ [1] { "Validation failed at EmployeeList" }
            ㄴ [0] { "EmployeeName Field shouldn't be null" }
            ㄴ [1] { "EmployeeEmail Field's format should be Email" }

这是 Validator.TryValidateObject(model, context, true) 方法的结果,System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Validator 中的内置静态函数。

无论如何,我想让结果集看起来更漂亮,以便轻松访问各个错误。我正在考虑 "Key" "Value" 结构,这样我就可以很容易地找出哪些属性在验证过程中失败了。

// I want the result to look something like this below.

[0] { "Name", "Name Field Shouldn't be null" }
[1] { "Money", "Money Field should be in range 0 and 100" }
[2] { "CompanyList", "Validation failed at CompanyList" }
  ㄴ [0] { "CompanyName", "CompanyName Field shouldn't be null" }
  ㄴ [1] { "DepartmentList", "Validation failed at DepartmentList" }
       ㄴ [0] { "DepartmentName", "DepartmentName Field shouldn't be null" }
       ㄴ [1] { "EmployeeList", "Validation failed at EmployeeList" }
            ㄴ [0] { "EmployeeName", "EmployeeName Field shouldn't be null" }
            ㄴ [1] { "EmployeeEmail", "EmployeeEmail Field's format should be Email" }




您可以构建一个如下所示的 ValidationResultNode

class ValidationResultNode
    public string PropertyName {get; private set;}
    public string ErrorMessage {get; private set;}
    public List<ValidationResultNode> Children {get; private set;}
    public ValidationResult(string propName, string errMsg)
        PropertyName = propName;
        ErrorMessage = errMsg;
        Children = new List<ValidationResultNode>();

    // method to add a child error
    public ValidationResultNode AddChildError(string propName, string errMsg)
        var result = new ValidationResultNode(propName, errMsg);
        return result;


如果您使用的是 Windows 表单,请查看 TreeView class if you want to display this. For WPF, look into the WPF TreeView