Xunit 2.3.0 无法将日期作为内联参数传递

Xunit 2.3.0 Unable to pass dates as inline params

在 xUnit 2.2 和之前的版本中,我们能够在实现 Theory 时将日期字符串作为内联数据传递。

[InlineData("title 1", "testing 1", 1, "Educational", "2017-3-1", "2018-12-31")]
[InlineData("title 2", "testing 2", 2, "Self Employment", "2017-2-1", "2018-2-28")]
public async Task WhenPassingCorrectData_SuccessfullyCreate(
    string title,
    string description,
    int categoryId,
    string category,
    DateTime startDate,
    DateTime endDate)


但是随着 2.3 更新,这似乎被破坏了,Visual studio 给出了编译错误。

The value is not convertible to the method parameter 'startDate' of type 'System.DateTime



PS:我在 VS2017 上的 .netcore 项目上使用 xUnit

您可以使用 MemberDataAttribute 使其明确:-

public static readonly object[][] CorrectData =
    new object[] { "title 1", "testing 1", 1, "Educational", new DateTime(2017,3,1), new DateTime(2018,12,31)},
    new object[] { "title 2", "testing 2", 2, "Self Employment", new DateTime(2017, 2, 1), new DateTime(2018, 2, 28)}

[Theory, MemberData(nameof(CorrectData))]
public async Task WhenPassingCorrectData_SuccessfullyCreate(string title, string description, int categoryId, string category, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate)


(您也可以使用 属性 return IEnumerable<object[]>,您通常会使用 yield return enumerator syntax,但我相信以上是最易读的语法C#目前必须提供)

这是将强类型测试数据传递给 xUnit 测试的好方法

Blog Post

Source Code

public class SampleData
    public int A { get; set; }
    public int B { get; set; }
    public int C => A + B;

public class UnitTest1
    /// <summary>
    /// The test data must have this return type and should be static
    /// </summary>
    public static IEnumerable<object[]> TestData
            //Load the sample data from some source like JSON or CSV here.
            var sampleDataList = new List<SampleData>
                new SampleData { A = 1, B = 2 },
                new SampleData { A = 3, B = 2 },
                new SampleData { A = 2, B = 2 },
                new SampleData { A = 3, B = 23 },
                new SampleData { A = 43, B = 2 },
                new SampleData { A = 3, B = 22 },
                new SampleData { A = 8, B = 2 },
                new SampleData { A = 7, B = 25 },
                new SampleData { A = 6, B = 27 },
                new SampleData { A = 5, B = 2 }

            var retVal = new List<object[]>();
            foreach(var sampleData in sampleDataList)
                //Add the strongly typed data to an array of objects with one element. This is what xUnit expects.
                retVal.Add(new object[] { sampleData });
            return retVal;

/* Alternate form

    public static IEnumerable<object[]> TestData() 
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 1, B = 2 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 3, B = 2 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 2, B = 2 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 3, B = 23 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 43, B = 2 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 3, B = 22 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 8, B = 2 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 7, B = 25 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 6, B = 27 } };
        yield return new [] { new SampleData { A = 5, B = 2 } };

/* Or:

    public static IEnumerable<object[]> TestData() =>
        from x in new[] { 
            new SampleData { A = 1, B = 2 },
            new SampleData { A = 3, B = 2 },
            new SampleData { A = 2, B = 2 },
            new SampleData { A = 3, B = 23 },
            new SampleData { A = 43, B = 2 },
            new SampleData { A = 3, B = 22 },
            new SampleData { A = 8, B = 2 },
            new SampleData { A = 7, B = 25 },
            new SampleData { A = 6, B = 27 },
            new SampleData { A = 5, B = 2 } }
        select new object[] { x};

    /// <summary>
    /// Specify the test data property with an attribute. This method will get executed 
    /// for each SampleData object in the list
    /// </summary>
    [Theory, MemberData(nameof(TestData))]       
    public void Test1(SampleData sampleData)
        Assert.Equal(sampleData.A + sampleData.B, sampleData.C);

目前更好的方法是使用 TheoryData,这样您就可以使用强类型输入。 Creating strongly typed xUnit theory test data with TheoryData

TheoryData<DateTime> MemberData = new TheoryData<DateTime>
 new DateTime(), 

看来此错误已在 v2.4.0+ 中修复(此功能至少在 v2.3.1 中停止工作?)

如果无法将 xunit 升级到带有修复程序的版本,那么也许可以执行与 xunit 隐式执行的操作相同的操作:


[InlineData("title 1", "testing 1", 1, "Educational", "2017-3-1", "2018-12-31")]
[InlineData("title 2", "testing 2", 2, "Self Employment", "2017-2-1", "2018-2-28")]
public async Task WhenPassingCorrectData_SuccessfullyCreate(
    string title,
    string description,
    int categoryId,
    string category,
    string startDate, // <-- change from `DateTime` to `string`
    string endDate)   // <-- change from `DateTime` to `string`
    var expectedStartDate = DateTime.Parse(startDate); // <-- add this
    var expectedEndDate = DateTime.Parse(endDate);     // <-- add this

    //  rest of test ...


否则,如果有更复杂的测试,那么可能会像其他人建议的那样使用 MemberDataAttribute