ARIMA 预测不断出错 'data' 必须是矢量类型,是 'NULL'

ARIMA forecast keep getting error 'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'

我在将 ARIMA 拟合到数据时总是出错,'data' 必须是向量类型,之前是 'NULL'。


foo <- read.csv("")

data <- data.frame(year, Car)
data <- ts(data[,2],start = c(1990,1),frequency = 1)

plot(diff(data),ylab='Differenced Car Usage')
plot(log10(data),ylab='Log (Car Usage)')
plot(diff(log10(data)),ylab='Differenced Log (Tractor Sales)')
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
acf(ts(diff(log10(data))),main='ACF Tractor Sales')
pacf(ts(diff(log10(data))),main='PACF Tractor Sales')

ARIMAfit <- auto.arima(log10(data), approximation=FALSE,trace=FALSE)

par(mfrow = c(1,1))
pred <- predict(ARIMAfit, n.ahead = 3)

Error in array(x, c(length(x), 1L), if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x), : 'data' must be of a vector type, was 'NULL'

我只是不明白我做错了什么,如果有人看到这个问题,我将不胜感激。 谢谢 -MF

foo <- read.table(file="data.csv", header=T, sep=",")
data <- ts(foo$Car,start = c(1990,1),frequency = 1)

# Use 'forecast' to get predition from the model estimated by 'auto.arima'
ARIMAfit1 <- auto.arima(log10(data), approximation=T, trace=FALSE, allowdrift=F)
forecast(ARIMAfit1, h = 3)

#      Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80     Lo 95    Hi 95
# 2017       1.415713 1.165870 1.665556 1.0336109 1.797815
# 2018       1.415713 1.128307 1.703119 0.9761635 1.855262
# 2019       1.415713 1.095115 1.736310 0.9254014 1.906024

# The same model estimated using 'arima'
# Here you can use 'predict'
ARIMAfit2 <- arima(log10(data), order=c(0,1,1))
predict(ARIMAfit2, n.ahead=3)

# $pred
# Time Series:
# Start = 2017 
# End = 2019 
# Frequency = 1 
# [1] 1.415713 1.415713 1.415713
# $se
# Time Series:
# Start = 2017 
# End = 2019 
# Frequency = 1 
# [1] 0.1911677 0.2199090 0.2453055