如何从 r svydesign 包中保存加权数据?

How to save a weighted data from r svydesign package?

有没有办法保存加权后的数据,下次直接加载?我有一个大型调查数据集,并使用 R 的 survey 包。我使用 feather 包加载数据,但在应用 svydesign 时需要相当长的时间。这是一个可重现的例子:

df <- data.frame(col1 = rnorm(20, 0, 1), col2 = rnorm(20, 2, 2), w = rnorm(20, 1, .2))
df.w <- svydesign(id = ~1, data = df, weights = ~w)

我想保存 df.w 以供日后分析。有办法吗?

您可以使用 saveRDSreadRDS 来 save/read 单个 R 对象。


df <- data.frame(col1 = rnorm(20, 0, 1), col2 = rnorm(20, 2, 2), w = rnorm(20, 1, .2))
df.w <- svydesign(id = ~1, data = df, weights = ~w)

####### save to file ##########
storage_file <- tempfile()
#storage_file <- "mydesign.rds"   ## uncomment here to use a local file
saveRDS(df.w, storage_file)

######## clear workspace #########
rm(df, df.w)

######### load the data ###########
df.w.loaded <- readRDS(storage_file)

## Independent Sampling design (with replacement)
## svydesign(id = ~1, data = df, weights = ~w)

######## delete storage file ######

如果您想将多个对象保存在一个文件中,请查看 ?save?load