如何为 go bin 提供命令

How to provide go bin with commands

我使用以下代码创建命令,该命令应该 运行 根据一些标志 从 cli 传递过来。

我使用 cobra 存储库 https://github.com/spf13/cobra

当我 运行 它与 go run main.go echo test


Print: test


现在我运行go install打开 bin 目录并单击文件 newApp(这是我的应用程序名称)


  MZR [command]

Available Commands:
  echo        Echo anything to the screen
  help        Help about any command
  print       Print anything to the screen

  -h, --help   help for MZR

Use "MZR [command] --help" for more information about a command.

[Process completed]

我 c 不使用任何命令(比如 MZR echo),当我 运行 在本地使用 go run main.go echo test

但我想像 一样使用它 MZR -hMZR echo , 我该怎么做? (并且还给我的朋友提供了 go install 之后创建的 bin 中的文件 - 即 Unix executable - 3.8 MB

例如就像这个使用相同命令行工具的 repo 一样 运行 你使用 hoarder --server https://github.com/nanopack/hoarder


package main

import (


func main() {
    var echoTimes int

    var cmdPrint = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "print [string to print]",
        Short: "Print anything to the screen",
        Long: `print is for printing anything back to the screen.
For many years people have printed back to the screen.`,
        Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
        Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
            fmt.Println("Print: " + strings.Join(args, " "))

    var cmdEcho = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "echo [string to echo]",
        Short: "Echo anything to the screen",
        Long: `echo is for echoing anything back.
Echo works a lot like print, except it has a child command.`,
        Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
        Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
            fmt.Println("Print: " + strings.Join(args, " "))

    var cmdTimes = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "times [# times] [string to echo]",
        Short: "Echo anything to the screen more times",
        Long: `echo things multiple times back to the user by providing
a count and a string.`,
        Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),
        Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
            for i := 0; i < echoTimes; i++ {
                fmt.Println("Echo: " + strings.Join(args, " "))

    cmdTimes.Flags().IntVarP(&echoTimes, "times", "t", 1, "times to echo the input")

    var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{Use: "MZR"}
    rootCmd.AddCommand(cmdPrint, cmdEcho)

可执行文件的名称取自目录名称。将目录 newApp 重命名为 MZR。通过此更改,go install 命令将创建一个名为 MZR 的可执行文件。如果可执行文件在您的路径上,那么您可以使用 MZR -hMZR echo

从命令行 运行 它