继承的 class 中的 shared_from_this() 类型错误(是否有 dyn.type-aware 共享指针?)

Wrong type in shared_from_this() in inherited class (is there a dyn.type-aware shared pointer?)

我有一个使用 enable_shared_from_this<>

的基本视图控制器 class
class ViewController :
public std::enable_shared_from_this<ViewController>
{ // ...


class GalleryViewController : public ViewController {
     void updateGallery(float delta);

问题出现了,当我尝试将我当前的实例传递给第 3 方(比如 lambda 函数被安排在某处)

实例 (GalleryViewController) 将解除分配的(罕见)条件,因此我无法直接捕获 'this',我需要捕获具有 shared_from_this() 的共享组:

void GalleryViewController::startUpdate()
    auto updateFunction = [self = shared_from_this()](float delta)
        return self->updateGallery(delta); // ERROR: ViewController don't have updateGallery() method!
    scheduler->schedule(updateFunction); // takes lambda by value

问题是 shared_from_this() returns 没有 updateGallery() 方法的 shared_ptr<ViewController>

我真的很讨厌 dynamic_cast(在这种情况下甚至是静态的),这是维护的噩梦。而且代码很丑!

updateFunction = [self = shared_from_this()](float delta)
            auto self2 = self.get();
            auto self3 = (UIGalleryViewController*)self2;
            return self3->updateGallery(delta);

有什么默认模式可以解决这个问题吗? dynamic-type 知道共享指针吗?我应该用 enable_shared_from_this<GalleryViewController> 双重继承 child class 吗?

void GalleryViewController::startUpdate(bool shouldStart)
    if (shouldStart == false) {
    updateFunction = [self = shared_from_this()](float delta)
        return self->updateGallery(delta); // ERROR: ViewController don't have updateGallery() method!
    scheduler->schedule(updateFunction); // takes lambda by value

The problem is that shared_from_this() returns a shared_ptr<ViewController> that doesn't have the updateGallery() method.

I really hate to do dynamic_cast (or even static in this case) its the maintenance nightmare. And the code is ugly!

这就是 std::static_pointer_cast and std::dynamic_pointer_cast 的用途。您不必在转换前使用 .get() 获取原始指针。

void GalleryViewController::startUpdate(bool shouldStart)
    if (shouldStart == false) {
    updateFunction = [self = std::static_pointer_cast<GalleryViewController>(shared_from_this())](float delta)
        return self->updateGallery(delta);
    scheduler->schedule(updateFunction); // takes lambda by value