
Get actually type from map with generic keys and values

首先是一些 Scala 代码示例:

trait Key[+T]
trait Value[+T]

case class StringKey(key: String) extends Key[String]
case class IntKey(key: Int) extends Key[Int]

case class StringValue(value: String) extends Value[String]
case class IntValue(value: Int) extends Value[Int]

case class ValueHolder(sources: Map[Key[_], Value[_]]) {
  def processSources(): Unit = {
    sources.map{ case (key, value) =>
      // get actual key and value, and process

基本上我有一个从通用键到通用值的映射,我需要迭代键值对并对实际对象进行操作。例如,如果当前值实际上是一个 StringValue,我想对一个 StringValue 对象进行操作。有办法吗?

是的。当出现 StringValue 时,使用模式匹配或使用 Partial 函数收集结果。

首先,我认为您错过了 StringKey extends Key[String]T 的协方差等...


trait Key[+T]

trait Value[+T]

case class StringKey(key: String) extends Key[String]
case class IntKey(key: Int) extends Key[Int]

case class StringValue(value: String) extends Value[String]
case class IntValue(value: Int) extends Value[Int]


case class ValueHolder(sources: Map[Key[_], Value[_]]) {

  def processSources(): Unit = {
     .collect { case (_, StringValue(str)) => str }


Scala REPL

scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

    trait Key[+T]

    trait Value[+T]

    case class StringKey(key: String) extends Key[String]
    case class IntKey(key: Int) extends Key[Int]

    case class StringValue(value: String) extends Value[String]
    case class IntValue(value: Int) extends Value[Int]

// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

defined trait Key
defined trait Value
defined class StringKey
defined class IntKey
defined class StringValue
defined class IntValue

scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)

case class ValueHolder(sources: Map[Key[_], Value[_]]) {

      def processSources(): Unit = {
         .collect { case (_, StringValue(str)) => str } // extracted string value ready to be operated.


// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.

defined class ValueHolder


scala> ValueHolder(Map(StringKey("fruit") -> StringValue("apple")))
res2: ValueHolder = ValueHolder(Map(StringKey(fruit) -> StringValue(apple)))

scala> ValueHolder(Map(StringKey("fruit") -> StringValue("apple"))).processSources()


给定 sources: Map[Key[_], Value[_]]


sources.map { case (key, value) =>
  value match {
    case stringValue: StringValue => processValue(stringValue)
    case _ => fallbackValue

更好的方法是使用 collect

sources.collect { case (_, value: StringValue) => processValue(value) }