如何在 Play 商店上传拆分应用程序二进制文件

How to upload split application binary at Play Store

我的游戏 APK 文件大小增加了 100mb,所以我需要拆分它。所以现在我有两个扩展名为 .apk 和 .obb 的文件。但是在Play商店没有办法上传OBB文件。

这是我的 Play 商店帐户屏幕截图:


编辑: 上传 APK 文件后,我无法获得任何上传扩展文件的选项。我得到了关于上传文件的这种概述。

上传 APK 文件后,您应该会看到如下内容:

看看Add or test APK expansion files:

You can upload new or add existing expansion files to APKs in a draft release.

  1. Go to your Play Console.

  2. Select your app.

  3. On the left menu, click Release management > App releases.

  4. Next to the release type you want to update, select Manage.

  5. Drop or select your app's APK file.

  6. You'll see a list of APKs that are associated with your release. Next to the relevant version code, select the add icon .

  7. Choose whether you want to upload a new file or attach an existing expansion file.

    • If the APK hasn't been published yet, you can change or remove an expansion file by selecting another file or No expansion file. You can't remove expansion files from an existing release.
  8. Select Save.

阅读更多:Deploying an Android app in Google Play

Umair 的回答是正确的,你可以看到。一个重要的警告是您只能将扩展文件(使用小 + 按钮)添加到从未发布的 APK 。如果您按照 Umair 的回答中的说明使用新的 APK(但在发布之前),您应该会在 App Releases 页面上看到该按钮。