UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment in python closure

UnboundLocalError: local variable referenced before assignment in python closure

我在 Python 中实现了两个简单的闭包。对我来说,它们看起来一样,但一个有效,另一个无效。


def makeInc(x, y):
    def inc():
        return y + x
    return inc

inc5 = makeInc(5, 10)
inc10 = makeInc(10, 5)

inc5 () # returns 15
inc10() # returns 15


import os
def linker(dest, filename):
    print filename
    def link(): 
        if os.path.isfile(filename): # line 17
            filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
            dest = os.path.join(dest, filename)
            y = rawinput('[y]/n: ln -sf %s %s' % (dest, filename))
            if y == 'n':
                return 1
                return os.system('ln -sf %s %s' %(dest, filename))
            return -1
    return link

l = linker('~', '.vimrc')
l()  # line 30


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "test.py", line 30, in <module>
  File "test.py", line 17, in link
    if os.path.isfile(filename):
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'filename' referenced before assignment


您已经用 filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename) 覆盖了变量,如果您将 filename = 更改为 filename 以外的其他内容,您将不会收到 local variable 'filename' referenced before assignment 错误。

一旦你设置了 filename = 你就不再引用传入的参数 filename 你指的是内部函数范围内的局部 filename尝试在定义的 if before 中使用。

如果您将这两行和其他变量更改为类似以下内容,您将遇到与 dest 相同的问题:

filename_ = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
dest_ = os.path.join(dest, filename)


如果您尝试在您的第一个函数中重新分配 x 并尝试在定义它之前访问 x,您将看到完全相同的行为:

def makeInc(x, y):
    def inc():
        print  y + x # will cause referenced before assignment error
        x = 5 # now x is local to the inner func, the x from the outer function is overridden
        return y + x
    return inc

如果您打印 __closure__ 属性,您将看到发生了什么:

def makeInc(x, y):
    def inc():
        return y + x
    return inc

inc5 = makeInc(5, 10)
inc10 = makeInc(10, 5)
(<cell at 0x7f180df67e50: int object at 0xef00f8>, <cell at 0x7f180df67fa0: int object at 0xef0080>)

现在重新分配 x:

def makeInc(x, y):
    def inc():
        print  y + x
        x= 5
        return y + x
    return inc

inc5 = makeInc(5, 10)
inc10 = makeInc(10, 5)
(<cell at 0x7fea11889fd8: int object at 0x291e080>,)



关于范围 LEGB 等有一个很好的图 here.