在 Android 视图中动态加载级联问题

Dynamically load cascading Questions in Android View

我们目前正在开展一个项目,其中网络用户创建了一个包含级联问题的调查(级联意味着问题的答案很少,并且取决于这些答案,其余的问题会发生变化),然后移动用户应该在他们的 android 应用程序。我们认为的样本JSON结构如下:

  "status": "1",
  "tabs": [
    "Farmer Information",
    "Crop Details",
    "Land Parcel"
      "type": "TextView",
      "cascade": "0",
      "value": "What is your name?",
      "survey": ""
      "type": "TextView",
      "cascade": "0",
      "value": "What is your age?",
      "survey" : ""
      "type": "RadioButtonGroup",
      "cascade": "1",
      "value": "Do you have kids?",
      "survey" : [
          "type": "TextView",
          "cascade": "1",
          "value": "YES",
          "survey": [
              "type": "TextView",
              "cascade": "1",
              "value": "How many of them below 18?",
              "survey": ""
              "type": "TextView",
              "cascade": "0",
              "value": "How many of them are girls?",
              "survey" : ""
              "type": "TextView",
              "cascade": "1",
              "value": "Where do you live in?",
              "survey": ""
              "type": "TextView",
              "cascade": "0",
              "value": "How long you were there?",
              "survey" : ""
          "type": "TextView",
          "cascade": "0",
          "value": "NO",
          "survey" : [
              "type": "TextView",
              "cascade": "1",
              "value": "Where do you live in?",
              "survey": ""
              "type": "TextView",
              "cascade": "0",
              "value": "How long you were there?",
              "survey" : ""

有没有办法实现这样的事情? 可用于此场景的最合适的库是什么?我们试过json2view,proteus。我们可以从所有这些中传递一个 json 并加载视图,但是如果存在级联问题,则没有一个可以使用。

通过示例进一步阐述问题: 假设给用户 Do you have any have kids? 的问题。这个问题可能有两个答案。 Yes & No 根据用户给其他人的问题的答案必须动态加载。

这可能为时已晚,但可以了。这可以在 proteus.


Philosophy: How would you do it in Native Android?

通过创建自定义视图,我们将其命名为 SurveyView,它具有 3 个自定义属性

  1. status: 初始条件
  2. cascade: 校验条件
  3. survey: child SurveyView
  4. 数组

因此,在 Native Android 中,将有一个方法 setStatus() 将在选择答案时调用。这将设置 status 的 child 调查视图。 child 将根据设置的条件检查新的 status。如果匹配,则为 visible else gone.

在此之后,只需将其注册为 proteus 的自定义视图即可。在没有自定义视图的情况下,有一种稍微复杂的方法(通过像这样使用函数绑定。

  "visibility: "@{fn:eq(@{data.status}, 0)}"


fn:eq is a built-in function. Check here for all available functions here


