PDFLib 工厂。从 class 中的函数调用 $this->pdf 时出错

PDFLib Factory. Error when calling $this->pdf from functions within class

想法如下,为了使 PDF 的创建更清晰一些,我应该创建一个 Factory/Abstract class,它将包含一组预定义函数,例如 [=14] =]

class AbstractPDF{
    protected $pdf;
    protected $searchpath;
    public function __construct(){
        $this->pdf = PDF_new();
        $this->searchpath = "fonts/";

        pdf_set_option($this->pdf,"searchpath={" . $this->searchpath . "}");

    protected function startAFourPage(){
        pdf_begin_page_ext($this->pdf, 0, 0, "width=a4.width height=a4.height");

    /* When setting up any of the PDF content types, one should */
    /* remember that in PDFLib, x=>y axis start with 0(zero) at */
    /* lower left corner.                                       */
    /* The text line is set up in space by setting up the       */
    /* coordinates of the lower left corner and then providing  */
    /* height and width of the object as separate values        */  

protected function setupTextLine($xcoordinate, $ycoordinate, $width, $height,
                        $fontName, $fontEncoding, $fontSize, $text, $textPosition = "left"){
        //adding text directly through the PDFLib documentation
        $font = PDF_load_font($this->pdf, $fontName, $fontEncoding, "");
        PDF_setfont($this->pdf, $font, $fontSize);
        //PDF_set_text_pos($this->pdf, 25, 650);
        //PDF_show($this->pdf, $text);
        PDF_fit_textline ($this->pdf, $text, 111, 744, "boxsize {".$width." ".$height."} position=left");
    /* When setting up any of the PDF content types, one should */
    /* remember that in PDFLib, x=>y axis start with 0(zero) at */
    /* lower left corner.                                       */
    /* The text flow is set up by providing the coordinate for  */
    /* lower left corner and upper right, as a rule.            */
    /* But overall PDFLib will placed it by coordinates for     */
    /* two corners diagonal to each other.                      */
    /* For this class we will identify these corners as         */
    /* lowLeft and upperRight                                   */
protected function setupMultilineTextflow($lowLeftX, $lowLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY,
                        $fontName, $fontEncoding, $fontSize, $text){
        $orderDetails = 'Datum:

        $textFlow = PDF_create_textflow($this->pdf, $text, 
        PDF_fit_textflow($this->pdf, $textFlow3, $lowLeftX, $lowLeftY, $upperRightX, $upperRightY,"");
    protected function setupTable($headers=array('test'=>''), array $field){        

此 class 是从以下

class PDF extends AbstractPDF{
    public function __construct(){
    public function generateContent(){
        return "";


问题是,当我尝试调用这些 classes 时,出现以下错误:

2017/12/19 18:47:58 [error] 465#465: *252 FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PDFlibException: Function must not be called in 'object' scope in/var/www/dev-vm-stretch.de/htdocs/AbstractPDF.php:30

Stack trace:

#0 /var/www/dev-vm-stretch.de/htdocs/AbstractPDF.php(30): pdf_begin_page_ext(Resource id #1, 0, 0, 'width=a4.width ...')

#1 /var/www/dev-vm-stretch.de/htdocs/PDF.php(10): AbstractPDF->startAFourPage()

#2 /var/www/dev-vm-stretch.de/htdocs/index.php(18): PDF->__construct()

#3 {main}

thrown in /var/www/dev-vm-stretch.de/htdocs/AbstractPDF.php on line 30" while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: dev-vm-stretch.de, request: "GET /index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock:", host: "dev-vm-stretch.de"

我认为那是因为我将 PDFLib 相关代码分成函数,但我不是 100% 确定,因为我的 PDFLib 经验仅限于略多于 5 天,而且我还没有找到任何 PDFLib 教程可以处理有这些问题:-(


问题很简单。当您有输出文档时,您只能创建一个页面。您创建一个新的输出文档,使用 begin_document($file, $options); 您也可以 __construct.

您可以查看 PDFlib 9.1.1 API 参考资料,第 1.2 章 "Function Scopes"。此外,所有 PDFlib PHP 示例(包括在 PDFlib PHP 包中)都演示了正确的用法。