
Game message is not displayed

我正在为 Android 编写一个小型冒险游戏。代码和演示可从我的 repository 获得。我有一个程序试图实现一条游戏消息,该消息显示哪个角色进入房间的信息。但该消息仅显示 "sometimes" 这令人困惑。

消息应该是 "A terrifying skeleton warrior enters." 并且在代码中这部分在 class 中。这条游戏消息不总是显示,我想知道为什么?


import java.util.*;

 * ADT for persons which is completed which subclasses to creating actors with
 * specific properties
public class Person {

     * Name of the Person.
    public String name;

     * The World which this Person is associated with.
    public World world;

     * Tells where this Person is at the moment.
    public Place place;

     * The inventory, contains Things.
    public Collection<Thing> things;
    FullscreenActivity target;
     * Shows how the Person looks like
    public int image;

    public String getHelloWorldString() {
        return "HELLO WORLD";

     * Create Person named `name' in world `world'.
     * @param world The world where the Person is created.
     * @param name  Name of the Person.
     * @param app   An image used to display the Person.
    public Person(World world, String name, int app, FullscreenActivity target) { = world; = name;
        this.image = app; = target;
        place = world.defaultPlace();
        if (this.getName().equals("Skeleton")) {
                    "A terrifying skeleton warrior appears!", target);
        place.enter(this, target);
        things = Collections.synchronizedCollection(new LinkedList<Thing>());

     * Go directly, and quietly, to 'place'. That is to say, without posting a
     * message that you're doing so.
     * @param place A string referring to the Place to go to.
     * @see #goTo(Place, FullscreenActivity)
     * @see #go
    public void goTo(String place, FullscreenActivity target) {
        goTo(world.getPlace(place), target);

     * Go directly, and quietly, to `whereTo'. That is to say, without posting a
     * message that you're doing so.
     * @param whereTo The Place to go to. Can be null in which case nothing happens.
     * @see #goTo(Place, FullscreenActivity
     * @see #go
    public void goTo(Place whereTo, FullscreenActivity target) {
        if (whereTo != null) {
            place.exit(this, target);
            whereTo.enter(this, target);

            if (this.getName().equals("Skeleton")) {
                        "A terrifying skeleton warrior appears!", target);

            world.update(place, target);
            // Record our new position.
            place = whereTo;
            // Also update Player's here.
            world.update(place, target);

     * Go through the door `door', verbosly. That is to say, post a message that
     * you re doing so. Don't complain if the door doesn't exist.
     * @param door Name of the door to exit through.
     * @see #goTo(String)
     * @see #goTo(Place, FullscreenActivity
    public void go(String door, FullscreenActivity target) {
        Place whereTo = place.getExit(door);
        if (whereTo != null) {
            if (!name.equals("You")) {
                world.sayAtPlace(place, name + " goes " + door, target);
            } else {
                world.sayAtPlace(place, name + " are going " + door, target);
            goTo(whereTo, target);

     * Print `text' in the bottom of the text window. Prepend it with a cue
     * indicating who is speaking. The text will only show up for Players at the
     * same Place as the one who is speaking.
     * @param text String to be displayed.
    public void say(String text, FullscreenActivity target) {
        world.sayAtPlace(place, name + " says: " + text, target);

     * Grab a Thing from this Place and place it in the inventory.
     * @param thingName Name referring to a Thing to be grabbed.
     * @see #drop
    public synchronized void grab(String thingName, FullscreenActivity target) {
        Thing item = place.removeThing(thingName);
        if (item != null) {
            world.sayAtPlace(place, name + " is taking " + thingName, target);
            world.update(place, target);

     * Drop a Thing the ground by deleting it from the inventory.
     * @param thingName Name referring to a Thing to be dropped.
     * @see #grab
    public synchronized void drop(String thingName, FullscreenActivity target) {
        Thing item = findThing(thingName);

        if (item != null) {
            world.sayAtPlace(place, name + " is dropping " + thingName, target);
            world.update(place, target);

     * Find a Thing in our inventory.
     * @param thingName The name of a thing to find.
    public Thing findThing(String thingName) {
        synchronized (things) {
            Iterator<Thing> iterate = things.iterator();
            while (iterate.hasNext()) {
                Thing t = (Thing);
                if (
                    return t;
        return null;

     * Respond to a query from another person.
     * @param questioner The Person querying.
    public void query(Person questioner) {
        // Default case - don't say anything

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public World getWorld() {
        return world;

    public void setWorld(World world) { = world;

    public Collection<Thing> getThings() {
        return things;

    public void setThings(Collection<Thing> things) {
        this.things = things;

    public int getImage() {
        return image;

    public void setImage(int image) {
        this.image = image;



import java.util.*;

 * The data structure that describes the world.
public abstract class World { // "implements" Playable
    public Adventure owner;

    public AdventureGame ag;

    public AdventureGame getAg() {
        return ag;

     * Players watching this World
    public Collection<Player> players;

    public void setAg(AdventureGame ag) { = ag;

     * Places in this World
    public Map<String, Place> places;

    public Map<String, Place> getPlaces() {
        return places;

    public void setPlaces(Map<String, Place> places) {
        this.places = places;

    public Collection<Player> getPlayers() {
        return players;

    public void setPlayers(Collection<Player> players) {
        this.players = players;

     * Create a World. `a' is a reference to the Adventure itself. This reference is
     * used when loading images and sounds.
     * @param a An instance of adventure.
    public World(Adventure a) {
        places = new HashMap<String, Place>();
        players = new LinkedList<Player>();
        owner = a;

    // Every World must implement this method which returns at what
    // Place in the World new Persons are created.
    abstract Place defaultPlace();

     * Create a Place with name `name' and picture file name "`name'.gif" and
     * add it to this World.
     * @param name A name for the new place and the filename for the gif-image.
    public void createPlace(String name, FullscreenActivity target, int pic) {
        createPlace(name, pic, target);

     * Create a Place with name `name' and picture file name `picture' and add
     * it to this World.
     * @param name    A name for the new place.
     * @param picture The filename of the image associated with the place.
    public void createPlace(String name, int picture, FullscreenActivity target) {
        places.put(name, new Place(name, owner.loadPicture(picture, target)));

     * Returns the Place in this world which has the name `name'.
     * @param name Name of the place to be returned.
     * @return The place in name.
     * @throws NoSuchElementException if matching place does not exist.
    public Place getPlace(String name) {
        Place p = (Place) places.get(name);
        if (p == null)
            throw new NoSuchElementException(name);
        return p;

     * State that the Player `p' is watching this world.
     * @param p The player to add to the list of players watching this world.
    public void addPlayer(Player p) {

     * Update the control window of any Players who are currently watching
     * `place'.
     * @param place to update.
    public void update(Place place, FullscreenActivity target) {
        synchronized (players) {
            Iterator<Player> ls = players.iterator();
            while (ls.hasNext()) {
                Player p =;
                if (p.currentPlace() == place)
        place.draw(target, ag);

     * Say `text' in the Place `place'. The text will become visible at the
     * bottom of the text window of any Players currently watching `place'.
     * @param place The place where the string will be displayed.
     * @param text  The string to be displayed.
    public void sayAtPlace(Place place, String text, FullscreenActivity target) {
        synchronized (players) {
            Iterator<Player> ls = players.iterator();
            while (ls.hasNext()) {
                Player p =;
                if (p.currentPlace() == place) {
                    p.say(text, target); //FIXME does this always work???

     * Play `sound' in the Place `place'. The sound will be played by any
     * Players currently watching `place'. Sound can for example be:
     * "songs/what_a_wonderful_world" -- suitable when your key is accepted
     * "effects/gong" -- suitable when Troll kills
     * @param place Place at which the sound will be played.
     * @param sound Filename of the sound.
    public void playAtPlace(Place place, String sound) {
        synchronized (players) {
            Iterator<Player> ls = players.iterator();
            while (ls.hasNext()) {
                Player p =;
                if (p.currentPlace() == place) {



if (person.getName().equals("You")) {

    String[] msgs = {
            "The horrible shrieks of the undead chill your bones.",
            "The maddening horrors of this place make your skin crawl.",
            "Death fills the very air of everywhere you turn.",
            "Frightening voices in the air whisper to you, imploring you to join their ranks.",
            "The pungent stength of lurking horrors fills your nostrils.",
            "Morbid visions glimpse before eyes.",
            "Howling screams of a distant Leviathan far below shiver your sanity and prophesize your doom.",
            "Ancient abominations and unspeakable horrors stir in their sleep as you sneak them by."};

    String rand = msgs[(int) (Math.random() * msgs.length)];
    person.getWorld().sayAtPlace(, rand, target);
    // don't write out exit info if there is none
    if (!"Heaven")) {
                "There are doors " + s, target);


在确定为什么事情不工作时,调试是一个非常有用的工具。通过简单地打印到控制台,您可以隔离 program/code 停止运行的位置。

使用您的代码,您观察到您并没有在您期望的时候始终如一地打印游戏消息。首先要检查的是您是否按预期输入了此 if 语句。你提到在调试期间你隔离了它。因此问题一定出在 sayAtPlace() 方法中。

if (this.getName().equals("Skeleton")) {
        "A terrifying skeleton warrior appears!", target);

如图所示,sayAtPlace 方法期望在提供的位置有玩家。如果没有找到玩家,则不会有输出。在调试时您说没有播放器,因此您不希望显示任何输出。如果没有玩家,你将无法在玩家集合中找到匹配项,这将需要调用 say 方法来显示消息。

    public void sayAtPlace(Place place, String text, FullscreenActivity target) {
        synchronized (players) {
            Iterator<Player> ls = players.iterator();
            while (ls.hasNext()) {
                Player p =;
                if (p.currentPlace() == place) {
                    p.say(text, target); //FIXME does this always work???