放置多个条件时,For 循环是否有限制?

Are there restrictions in For Loops when putting more than one condition?

将多个条件放入 for 循环是否可以?


bool b = true;
for (int i = 0; i < 100 && b; i++)
    b = changeB(i); //Imagine this does something with b

所以有人说将那种条件放在 for 循环中是不正确的。有什么具体原因吗?还是做得好?

Why is putting more than one condition into a for loop not supposed to be OK?


So I was said that it's not correct to put that kind of conditions in a for loop. Any specific reasons?



有趣的是,甚至 MISRA 指导方针——其中一些是 主观的 愚蠢和限制性的——明确允许使用 "other" 循环控制变量。

没关系,但最重要的是要有清晰的变量名。例如,B 不是一个足够描述性的名称。